Studiuj zdalnie na Justus Liebig University Giessen!

Już po raz drugi uczelnia partnerska UniLodz z Giessen proponuje listę przedmiotów jakie możecie realizować w Justus Liebig University bezpłatnie i całkowicie zdalnie w nadchodzącym semestrze zimowym. Zaliczenie przedmiotu w UŁ wymaga wcześniejszej akceptacji wydziałowego koordynatora ds. programów wymiany.

Justus Liebig University Giessen (Germany) invites you to JLU’s Virtual International Programme (VIP) for winter semester 2021/22. As an additional offer to physical exchange, the VIP permits students from the University of Lodz a virtual exchange experience at JLU.

The VIP invites international students from our partner universities around the world to gain international study experience as complement of their studies in their home countries. International students get to choose one or more seminars and lectures from a varied study catalogue taught completely online. This offer includes over 70 online courses from all 11 faculties at JLU at undergraduate and graduate level, held in English, German, Croatian, Spanish and Russian language. As the offer is part of the regular JLU curriculum, international students enrolled will benefit from an international learning environment.

In addition to the specialized courses, our VIP offers interdisciplinary online courses and exclusive places in an online German language course for beginners. Upon successful completion of the virtual exchange semester, international students will receive a Transcript of Records with credit points from JLU. Participation in the “Virtual International Programme” at JLU is free of charge for students from our partner universities.

Students are able to apply for the programme from August 01 to August 25, 2021 (students from the University of Lodz migh send Transcript of Records till September 06,2021 after informing the University Giessen). The courses start in October 2021. For further information about the course offer and the application process, please visit