China and Russia relations – CAA UniLodz debate

In the third episode of "Asian Debates" organized by the Centre for Asian Affairs at the University of Lodz “China-Russia in Post-Soviet Space” Una Berzina-Cerenkova (Riga Stradins University) and Marcin Kaczmarski (University of Glasgow) discuss the relations between China and Russia from the perspective of both powers and the international scene and especially in post-Soviet space.

The discussion is being moderated by Dominik Mierzejewski (University of Lodz).


The topics discussed in the debate revolve around the historical status of China-Russia relations as well as their relations after the Cold War. The next part of the debate has devoted the role of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and relations between Beijing and Moscow over the current situation and the future possible scenarios.

More about Asian Debates

Source: The Centre for Asian Affairs at the University of Lodz