Dział Audytu Wewnętrznego

About us

I. Aims and objectives of internal audit

  1. The general objective of audit is to support the Rector of the University of Łódź in the achievement of the University's aims and objectives through systematic assessment of the adequacy, effectiveness and efficiency of the management control system within the framework of assurance tasks and advisory activities.
  2. In its activities, internal audit identifies and determines potential risks that may arise in the University's activities.
  3. Internal audit's activities aim to continuously improve the University's operations and thereby add value to its activities.
  4. The objectives of internal audit are pursued by the Internal Audit Department - reporting directly to the Rector of the University of Łódź, whose primary task is to undertake activities aimed at providing an independent and objective assessment of management control - assurance tasks. Activities of an advisory nature may also be performed, provided that their nature does not compromise the principle of objectivity and auditor independence, as well as checking activities to determine the degree of implementation of recommendations resulting from the performance of assurance audit tasks.
  5. Advisory activities may take the form of event-driven investigations, opinions, consultations, and advice to committees and panels. The internal auditor agrees the purpose and scope of the activity each time with the Rector of the University of Łódź. The Internal Audit Department of the University of Łódź may not, however, carry out advisory activities that would lead to the assumption of responsibilities or powers falling within the scope of the management of the entity. The manner in which the course and outcome of advisory activities are performed and documented should be appropriate to the type and nature of the activities undertaken.
  6. Internal audits commissioned in accordance with the provisions of the Public Finance Act - are performed on the order of the Minister of Finance, the Prime Minister or the Head of the National Fiscal Administration. Reports on their completion are submitted to the commissioning body.
  7. The Rector of the University of Łódź provides conditions for the independent, objective and effective conduct of internal audit at the University.

II. Scope of internal audit

  1. The basis for the work of the Internal Audit Department at the University of Łódź is the internal audit plan for a given calendar year prepared - in consultation with the Rector of the University of Łódź and the University Authorities - based on a risk analysis.
  2. Internal audit is also performed outside the plan, at the instruction of the Rector of the University of Łódź.
  3. Internal audit covers the examination of all the University's units and organisational units.
  4. The scope of the tasks performed concerns all areas of the University's activities.
  5. Internal audit is independent in terms of identifying and assessing the areas of risk that are the basis for the implementation of audit tasks.
  6. In particular: the scope of the internal auditor's work is determined by the risk analysis and the scope of the assurance task or advisory activity being carried out (in the meaning of the regulations implementing the Public Finance Act).
  7. Internal audit, as part of its assurance tasks, includes the examination and assessment of the adequacy, effectiveness and efficiency of management control, and in particular the assessment of:

a/ compliance of the University's activities with legal regulations and internal procedures,

b/ effectiveness and efficiency of operations,

c/ reliability of reports,

d/ protection of resources,

e/ observance and promotion of principles of ethical conduct,

f/ efficiency and effectiveness of information flow,

h/ risk management.

     8. The scope of internal audit may not be limited. The internal auditor shall inform the Rector of the University of Łódź of any attempts to limit
          the scope of the audit, to influence the manner in which the audit is performed and to report its results.

III. Scope, the tasks carried out result from:

  1. Public Finance Act of 27 August 2009(Dz.U.2019, item 869 t.j. as amended) - Section VI - Internal audit and coordination of internal audit in units of the public finance sector, Articles 272-296,
  2. Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 4 September 2015 re: internal audit and information on the work and results of this audit (Journal of Laws 2018, item 506, as amended),
  3. ‘International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing‘ developed by The Institute of Internal Auditors’- adopted by the Minister of Development and Finance as ‘Internal Auditing Standards for Units of the Public Finance Sector’(Communication of the Minister of Development and Finance of 12 December 2016. Dz.Urz.MRiF.2016, item 28 as amended),
  4. ‘Code of Ethics for the Internal Auditor’ by The Institute of Internal Auditors,
  5. Management Control Standards for the Public Finance Sector (Announcement No. 23 of the Minister of Finance of 16 December 2009. Official Journal of the Ministry of Finance No. 15, item 84),
  6. Internal Audit Charter introduced by the Order of the Rector of the University of Łódź No. 218 of 29 September 2021.

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Contact details

Internal Audit Department

  • Narutowicza 68 90-136 Łódź
tel: 42-635-43-23 e-mail:
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