University of Lodz is not only about a multidisciplinary scientific and research activity and educating students, but also a wide range of cognitive and educational programmes for high school students.
Educational offer of the University of Lodz for high schools includes:
- University-wide activities involving research, administration personnel and students of the University of Lodz
- Proposals of individual faculties
- A wide range of scientific, cultural and industry events that the University of Lodz co-organises, is a partner of or takes part in.

Central (1.) programmes of cooperation with high schools run by the University of Lodz i.e., Uniwerstytet Zawsze Otwarty [University – Always Open] and Zdolny Uczeń, Świetny Student [Talented at School, Brilliant at the University], enable and facilitate contact, and familiarisation of high school students with the specificity of studies at the UL. They also provide the most talented of them with individual care of academic staff. The programmes are of considerable importance for future graduates of high schools, who are interested in developing their scientific interests and who would like to associate their future with the University of Lodz. Educational programmes of the individual faculties (2.) make it possible to, among others, familiarise in a detailed way with their educational offer, specificity of studies and the rules of recruitment to the University of Lodz. Employees of the University of Lodz are also active in organising and co-creating (3.) numerous festivals and educational events promoting science and culture.
Graduates of the "Talented at School, Brilliant at the University" programme, who take up studies at the University of Lodz after graduation from their high school, may study in accordance with the Individual Study Programme already from the second semester. They can also implement scientific projects as part of the innovative Student Research Grants programme".
dr hab. Robert Zakrzewski, UL Professor,
Vice-Rector for Students Affairs and Quality of Education, UL
![[Translate to English:] Uczestnicy 4. edycji programu Zdolny Uczeń - Świetny Student [Translate to English:] Grupa uczestników programu Zdolny Uczeń - Świetny Student](/fileadmin/_processed_/b/6/csm_51630968475_e06ebbcece_k__1__6e2a1439fd.jpg)
![[Translate to English:] Uczestnicy 4. edycji programu Zdolny Uczeń - Świetny Student [Translate to English:] Grupa uczestników programu Zdolny Uczeń - Świetny Student](/fileadmin/_processed_/b/6/csm_51630968475_e06ebbcece_k__1__08b7544c72.jpg)
- Uniwersytet Zawsze Otwarty (#UZO) [University - Always Open] – high school students visit the university, take part in selected classes at the UL faculties. The UL employees and students belonging to student science clubs visit schools with presentations and workshops.
- Zdolny Uczeń, Świetny Student (#UZSS) [Talented at School, Brilliant at the University programme] – University of Lodz enables direct contact between the most talented high school students and scientists-experts. The programme makes it easier for students to decide on the direction of their education at the University of Lodz and the course of their future careers.
- Bookcrossing in schools – promotion of reading among students. University of Lodz has purchased book exchange racks for schools, Lodz University Press has donated the books free of charge.
- Laboratorium Innowacji [Innovations Lab] – a project-competition organised by the Career Office, University of Lodz. It promotes creativity of high school students.
- Erasmus in Schools – the programme consisting in visiting high schools by international students of the University of Lodz

![[Translate to English:] pokaz eksperymentów chemicznych](/fileadmin/_processed_/e/2/csm_warsztaty_chemiczne_0c3621c5e5.jpg)
Many faculties of the University of Lodz organise series of classes for high school students to support their preparation for the high school final exam (matura exam). They also prepare educational events which introduce the specificity of studying at the University of Lodz. They try to make high school students, potential candidates for their students, interested in them.
- UL Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection – Instytut Kreatywnej Biologii [Institute for Creative Biology]
- UL Faculty of Chemistry – Akademia Ciekawej Chemii [Academy of Curious Chemistry]
- UL Faculty of Philology – Środy z Polonistyką [Wednesdays with Polish Studies]
- UL Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics – Festyn naukowy „Podróż od magii do wiedzy” [Science Fest "A Journey from Magic to Knowledge”]
- UL Faculty of Mathematica and Computer Science – Matematyka Moja Pasja [Mathematics My Passion ]
- UL Faculty of Geographical Sciences – Ogarnij Gegrę [Get a Grip on Geography]
- UL Faculty of Law and Administration – Spotkania w Paragrafie [Meetings in the Paragraph]
- UL Faculty of Management – Akcje Rekrutacyjne [Recruitment Campaigns]
![[Translate to English:] grupa uczniów szukająca kolejnego punktu w grze miejskiej - Kod UŁ](/fileadmin/_processed_/9/1/csm_gra_miejska_3a9a03f691.jpg)
![[Translate to English:] grupa uczniów szukająca kolejnego punktu w grze miejskiej - Kod UŁ](/fileadmin/_processed_/9/1/csm_gra_miejska_5486a900fd.jpg)
University of Lodz is a co-organiser, partner or participant of many initiatives that are created with high school students in mind.
- Wielka Lekcja Geografii [A Great Geography Lesson ](co-organiser – the UL Faculty of Geographical Sciences)
- Festiwal Nauki, Techniki i Sztuki [Festival of Art, Science and Technology] All faculties of the Univerity of Lodz take part in the festival, as well as University of Lodz Branch in Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Museum of Natural History University of Lodz, UL Library and Centre of Social Innovations, UL
- Zasmakuj Studiowania w Łodzi [Get a Taste of Studying in Lodz]
- Łódzkie Dni Informatyki [Lodz Computer Science Days]
- Noc Biologów [Biologists' Night]
- Innovation Night
- E(x)plory Festival – the UL scientists give lectures for schools
- School at the Cinema – employees of the UL Faculty of Philosophy and History introduce the screened film. There is a discussion after the screening (cooperation with the Charlie cinema).
- Education fairs