The main tasks of the Team established by the Regulation No. 166 of the Rector of the University of Lodz Rector of 29 September 2023 include:
- analysis of trends related to the development of generative artificial intelligence and assessment of their relevance to the education sector and the conduct of research;
- close cooperation with external experts and institutions working for the responsible and ethical development of generative AI, including in particular the education and research sectors;
- identification of opportunities and possibilities for the use of generative AI tools at the University of Lodz, as well as potential threats resulting from their development for the scientific and research, teaching and administrative processes carried out at the university;
- analysis of the needs and expectations related to the development of generative artificial intelligence of all members of the academic community (students, researchers, teaching and administrative staff);
- promotion of knowledge of generative AI tools and the conditions for their use (legal, ethical, cultural, etc.) in the teaching, research and administrative processes among members of the academic community and recommendation of forms and tools to improve skills and competences within this area;
- promotion of good national and international practices in terms of using generative AI tools in the teaching, research and administrative processes.
The Generative AI Team at the University of Lodz has been operating since 1 October 2023.
The team was set up by the Regulation No. 166 of the Rector of the University of Lodz of 29 September 2023.
Given that:
We understand the essence of generative AI (GenAI) and have knowledge of its tools (e.g. ChatGPT, Midjourney, Dall-E, Stable Diffusion, etc.) and their current capabilities.
We are aware of the fact that there will be more, better and more advanced generative AI tools, offering an ever-widening spectrum of available functionality.
We feel convinced that generative AI tools, over time, will be used in most countries around the world, hence banning or restricting access to them, in any form, in our view, could create digital inequalities and weaken the position of members of our academic community in both domestic and international markets.
We believe that our role as a university is to teach the skills of responsible, ethical and reflective use of generative artificial intelligence tools, while emphasising creativity, critical thinking, cooperation and communication among all members of our academic community.
It is crucial for us to respect the fundamental rights and dignity of man, and it is to them that we assign a guiding and supervisory role in all interactions with generative artificial intelligence tools and the materials generated this way (e.g. text, music files, photos, graphics, images, video, etc.).
We agree that generative artificial intelligence offers many new opportunities for universities and can find use as a tool to support teaching processes, scientific and research work, activities for the development of specific scientific fields and disciplines, as well as administrative processes, including management.
We realise that generative AI, thanks to the processes of its progressive democratisation, will increasingly influence both the expected quality and attractiveness of the educational process, educational experience and its level of immersiveness, as well as the level of adaptation of curricula to the needs of the market, including the labour market.
We are aware of the challenges posed to us as a university by the development of generative AI tools and the need to adapt, in particular, existing educational processes, teaching methods and knowledge verification tools to the social and economic changes resulting from the development of generative AI, including those on the international arena.
We believe that generative artificial intelligence tools should be one of many technological tools used by members of our academic community. They should be a complement to them, not a replacement (substitute), while maintaining a defined framework and high standards for their use in teaching, research and administrative processes.
We want to join in the popularisation of generative artificial intelligence tools and counteract the negative effects of its unreflective and unethical use.
- We recommend using a variety of sources to obtain information and generate content. However, generative AI tools should not be regarded as a knowledge bank or a source of fully reliable and objective information.
- Given the current inadequacies of generative AI tools (e.g. errors in the generated responses, biases, vulnerability to defects and limited sources) and the possible unethical consequences of their use, it is considered necessary to review and critically examine the created content.
- As artificial intelligence is increasingly embedded in our everyday life and leads to the formation of new forms of human-technology collaboration, generative AI tools, including ChatGPT, can only be a tool to support learning, teaching and research.
- The use of generative AI tools, including ChatGPT, which are used to generate different materials should always meet the following criteria:
• compliance with the law, including intellectual property law, personal data protection law, privacy law,
• compliance with ethical values, in particular good academic practices and standards of research integrity, such as conscientiousness, independence, openness, accountability, transparency.
- To ensure accountability and transparency in the use of generative AI tools, including ChatGPT, the following checklist may be used:
• analysis of the accuracy of the question (prompt),
• analysis of the accuracy of the generated response,
• verification of the assumptions of the generated response,
• reliable identification of the source of the generated response.
The list is intended to assist in the correct use of generative AI tools, however, it is not exhaustive and depends on the context. - As the use of materials generated using AI tools, including ChatGPT, may constitute a copyright infringement, the extent of their use should be justified by a scientific and/or teaching purpose. Responsibility for the use of such content always rests with the person who uses it.
- For transparency purposes, it is necessary to clearly label the materials generated by AI tools if such material is used. An example of correct citation of ChatGPT generated content is e.g.: ChatGPT, response to "question content" (prompt), chat.openai.com [access date:...]. This form of citation is only allowed in cases where it is not possible to access the original source of the content. In other cases, it is necessary to indicate the original source.
- It is important that the labelling of materials generated using AI tools leaves no doubt as to which words, graphics, images, research results, etc. were created using such tools.
- The use of generative AI tools, including in particular ChatGPT, is not allowed during examinations, including diploma examinations.
- It is recommended to use methods, assessments and examinations that enable the verification of actual knowledge, skills and competences, including the use of creative solutions and those requiring complex analysis of problems.
- The author of any work that uses materials prepared by the use of generative artificial intelligence is the person who uses it (e.g. student, researcher, teaching staff). The person is liable for any unethical or illegal use of such material.
- In order to prevent potential abuse resulting from the inappropriate, indiscriminate and illegal use of generative artificial intelligence tools, including ChatGPT, students' work will be spot checked using artificial intelligence detectors. The student is obliged to undergo this procedure.
- For using generative AI tools in a manner that violates the regulations applicable at the University of Lodz, including, in particular use leading to copyright infringement, disciplinary liability will be imposed on employees, doctoral students and students in accordance with the rules applicable at the university.
The recommendations stated above will be systematically reviewed, updated and adapted according to technological and legal amendments.
The recommendations have been prepared by the team for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Recommendations on the use of generative artificial intelligence tools at the University of Lodz were introduced with the Announcement of the Rector of the University of Lodz of 9 August 2023.