PROFIL PRACOWNIKA: Agnieszka Sobczak


Specific responsibilities - for internal audit:

1.Identification and assessment of risks present in the University's activities.

2.To develop an annual audit plan on the basis of the risk assessment carried out.

3.Carrying out audit tasks in accordance with the annual internal audit plan approved by the Rector of the University and in justified cases outside the audit plan.

4.Carrying out audit activities in accordance with the principles and procedure provided for by the law, universally recognised standards and the methodology adopted at DAW UŁ.

5.Making findings in an objective manner and documenting them reliably.

6.Properly maintain current files related to the implementation of audit tasks.

7.Assessing the adequacy, effectiveness and efficiency of management control in the audit tasks performed.

8.Preparing reports on the audit tasks carried out.

9.Conducting monitoring and evaluation activities on the implementation of recommendations given as a result of internal audits.

10.Liaising with internal auditors and controllers, external auditors and controllers, and the Audit Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science.

11.Preparing reports on the implementation of the annual audit plan.

12.Performing other activities (- not specified in the terms of reference) ordered by the supervisor, when the implementation of the tasks of the Department requires urgent and efficient action.

13.Continuous improvement of own professional qualifications.

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phone: 42-635-43-23


Narutowicza 68 room: 203 90-136 Łódź