Wystawa malarstwa Doroty Herbik

Place of the event: ul. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie 11, 90-505 Łódź
When: 01 July 2024 (Monday) 18:00 - 20:00

The opening of the exhibition of paintings by Dorota Herbik will be held on Monday (1 July 2024) at 6:00 p.m. at the university’s Wozownia 11 Gallery (M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 11). The exhibition " Charta Terra. Srebrzyste krajobrazy" consists of, among other things, works made using the original "silver oxidation painting" technique. In her works, the artist expresses admiration and affirmation of the order and complexity of the world. Prof. Aneta Pawłowska (University of Lodz) is the exhibition curator.

Dorota Herbik is an artist from Lodz – a graduate of the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź, who currently teaches painting, drawing and visual structures at the Faculty of Art of the Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz.

Exhibition "Charta Terra. Srebrzyste krajobrazy”, whose partner is the Lodz Scientific Society, has been created out of the artist's fascination with the world as such. The author says:

The reality I celebrate gives rise to the need for a certain sublimity, and that is why I choose the painting technique whose "individual" character supports the created means of expression. I combine the possibilities of acrylic and watercolour techniques with the silver plating technique.

The exhibition curator, Prof. Aneta Pawłowska from the Institute of History of Art at the University of Lodz adds:

In the artist's opinion, the specificity of "painting" is the use of visual (sensory) means to convey extra-sensory meanings (...) The painter touches on the problem of the dichotomy of rhythm and proportion and the dynamics of expression.

a work by the artist

Istotny w twórczości Doroty Herbik jest jej warsztat artystyczny. Sama twórczyni mówi o nim w ten sposób:

I explore the abstract properties of colour, line and shape, by extending the traditional painting workshop with the technique of silver plating. Substantive colours enriched with shades of pure silver and oxidised silver offer new possibilities of expression (...) In the process of silver oxidation, I have found unique expressive possibilities which are impossible to achieve with substantive colours. In fact, one could say that I paint with oxidation.

Aneta Pawłowska adds:

As a result, the artist achieves a new quality through purely painterly values, creating her own, original technique of "silver oxidation painting", i.e. silver flakes. Let us add that today this technique is almost forgotten.

a work by the artist

My paintings are adoration for the world. I hope that they serve to intensify the reality we perceive, perpetuate the belief in the extraordinary logic of existence, that despite the formal layer of images belonging to the world of matter, they will, at least partially, open the sphere of spirit to the recipient (...) I do not mean to capture the "superficial" beauty of reality. It’s about coherence, accuracy and logicality of existence with all the countless richness of its forms. My painting has been influenced by my intense experience of many places

– concludes Dorota Herbik

The exhibition can be viewed until 14 July 2024 at the university's Wozownia 11 Gallery. From 2 to 14 July, the exhibition can be viewed after making an appointment by e-mail: komunikacja@uni.lodz.pl.

Lodz Scientific Society is the partner of the project. You can find more information on the project website (go to the project website - in Polish).

Edit: Bartosz Kałużny (Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz)

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Place of the event: ul. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie 11, 90-505 Łódź

Date and time of the event: 01 July 2024 (Monday) 18:00 - 20:00

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