[ESDC] ZAPRASZAMY 10/02/2025: Bruksela, Belgia: Cyberbezpieczeństwo i Prawo Międzynarodowe - kurs ekspercki

Lodz Cyber Hub at the University of Lodz, Poland, is proud to announce the next iteration of its highly popular online course, in collaboration with the European Security and Defence College (ESDC). This residential course, titled Cybersecurity and International Law, will take place from 10 to 12 February 2025 in Brussels.

This course offers a unique opportunity to gain practical insights into the application of international law in cyberspace, addressing contemporary geopolitical challenges and offering pragmatic solutions. Participants will explore topics such as state responsibility, cybersecurity due diligence, peaceful settlement of cyber disputes, transboundary data flows, GDPR, platform regulation, and the implications of artificial intelligence and algorithmic design on human rights. The course is tailored for mid-level to senior officials (both civilian and military) engaged in cybersecurity matters and will provide an in-depth understanding of the intersection between law, policy, and cybersecurity.

The training is designed to enhance knowledge, skills, and competencies related to cyber legal, policy, and compliance roles, in line with the EU’s Cybersecurity Strategy for the Digital Decade and its Strategic Compass. The course is a part of the ESDC’s Cyber Education, Training, and Evaluation (ETEE) platform, and participants will have the chance to exchange best practices and insights on cyber-related topics with peers from EU Member States, institutions, and international organizations.

We welcome applications from under-represented groups and encourage individuals from diverse backgrounds to apply. This course is an invaluable opportunity to strengthen your expertise in cybersecurity and international law, and contribute to building a more secure digital world.

For more details, please refer to the agenda.

Data i godziny: 10 February 2025 (Monday) 00:00 - 12 February 2025 (Wednesday) 00:00