Naukowcy UŁ panelistami kongresu #ŁódźPrzyszłości w ŁSSE

Professors from the University of Lodz – Przemysław Waingertner (a historian) and Piotr Szukalski (a sociologist and a demographer) are among the panellists who during the #ŁódźPrzyszłości [Lodz of the Future] congress, which will be held on 29 July (Saturday) at the Lodz Special Economic Zone, will discuss how the past affects the future of the culture and economy of Lodz. The congress starting at 10:00 a.m. will inaugurate celebrations of the 600th anniversary of Lodz by the Lodz Special Economic Zone.

Apart from the scientists from the University of Lodz, who represent the Faculty of Philosophy and History (Prof. Przemysław Waingertner) and the Faculty of Economics and Sociology (Prof. Piotr Szukalski), the group of panellists will include, among others: a rally driver – Miko Marczuk, the Vice President of PGE – Wanda Buk, a specialist in building companies image – Andrzej Horoch and the Director of the Jaracz Theatre – Michał Chorosiński.

The meeting, in which 300 guests have already announced their participation, is also a good moment to jointly create a birthday souvenir – a board with wishes for Lodz, which will decorate one of the rooms of the Lodz Special Economic Zone. In addition, there will be surprises for the participants.

After the congress –- from 1:00 p.m. a picnic will start. The organisers have divided it into three zones: Łódź Fabrykancka [Factory Lodz], Łódź Jagiellońska [Jagiellonian Lodz] with attractions for the whole families, and an exhibition part of such institutions as the NBP, Poczta Polska or Niepodległa. During the picnic, an Olympian oak will be planted – it is a joint initiative of the Regional Council of Olympians and the State Forests.

At 6:00 p.m. a concert of Cafe Bodo will start, which will close the birthday celebrations day at the Lodz Special Economic Zone

Source: Lodz Special Economic Zone 

Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz

Date and time of the event: 29 July 2023 (Saturday) 10:00 - 20:00

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