Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa: „Łódź – nauka, pamięć, ideologia”

Conference venue: Harcmistrza Aleksandra Kamińskiego 27a, 90-219 Łódź
When: 26 March 2025 (Wednesday) 16:00 - 28 March 2025 (Friday) 18:00

We are pleased to invite you to the international scientific conference entitled. "Łódź – nauka, pamięć, ideologia" [Lodz – Science, Remembrance, Ideology], which will be held on 26-28 March 2025 at the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the University of Lodz.

About the event

The aim of the conference “Łódź – nauka, pamięć, ideologia” is an attempt to look at the various images of the city created in the broadly understood historical thought in the 20th century. The circle of interest will include historiographical, literary, sociological and memorological discourses. The organisers of the event wish to show the image of Lodz created by the Polish, German and Jewish communities.

banner promoting the event

The meeting is organised as part of the long-standing cooperation between the Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) and the University of Lodz. The conference will be attended by researchers from both these centres and other Polish and German institutions.

The conference will be accompanied by the promotion of a Polish translation of the history of Lodz in the 20th century, by German historian Hans Juergen Boemelburg.

Organisers of the event include: Jerzy Giedroyc Centre at the University of Lodz, Gießener Zentrum Östliches Europa an der Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen, Department of History of Historiography and Auxiliary Sciences of History at the University of Lodz, Martin-Opitz-Bibliothek – Herne, Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne Oddział w Łodzi [Polish Historical Society], Faculty of Philosophy and History at the University of Lodz, Department of German Studies at the Institute of German Philology, University of Lodz.


26 March – the first day of the conference

Location: the Faculty Council Room – hm. A. Kamińskiego 27a, 1st floor

Opening of the conference – 4:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

The history of Lodz as a research problem – multidisciplinary approach – moderated by Andrzej Czyżewski (the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences / Jerzy Giedroyc Centre, University of Lodz) – 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

  1. Untapped opportunities? White spots in the regional history of industrial centres in the Polish lands, with special reference to Lodz, Kamil Śmiechowski (University of Lodz)
  2. East/West, Local/Global, Centre/Periphery: is Lodz always in the same place? Agata Zysiak (Universität Wien/University of Lodz)
  3. Oral histories as a research method and life practice. On the example of the activities of the Topography Association and the Digital Archive of Lodz Miastograf, Marta Madejska (Topography Association]

Dinner for the conference participants – 7:30 p.m.

27 March – the 2nd day of the conference

Location: Room 204  – hm. A. Kamińskiego 27a, 2nd floor

The Lodz press as a creator of the city's memory – moderated by Ewa Wiatr (Centre for Jewish Studies, University of Lodz) – 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

  1. Rocznik Łódzki – journal and environment, Jarosław Kita (University of Lodz)
  2. German press of Lodz as a factor creating historical memory of the city, Monika Kucner (University of Lodz)
  3. Jewish press as a factor co-creating the identity of the city, Dariusz Dekiert (University of Lodz)

Coffee break – 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Around institutions and environments – moderated by Marta Sikorska (University of Lodz) – 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

  1. Not obvious synergy. Archivist or historian? The State Archive in Lodz in the current of scientific research in the 20th century, Bartosz Górecki (State Archive in Lodz)
  2. The environment of researchers of Jewish Lodz until 1939, Adam Sitarek (Centre for Jewish Studies, University of Lodz).
  3. Memory of German "expellees" and publications by Peter E. Nasarski (1914-2011) and Oskar Kossmann (1904-1998), Matthias Barelkowski (Berlin)

Lunch break – 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Lodz through the eyes of German and Jewish residents – moderated by Andreas Lawaty (Lüneburg) – 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

  1. Adolf Eichler (1877-1945) and German memory in the volkist-nationalist version, Heidi Hein-Kircher, (Martin Opitz Bibliothek/Ruhr Universität Bochum)
  2. Remembrance of German socialists from DSAP: Otto Heike (1901-1990), Georg W. Strobel (1923-2010) and others, Hans-Jürgen Bömelburg (Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen)
  3. Filip Friedman as a pioneer of Jewish historiography in Lodz, Natalia Aleksiun (University of Florida/Centre for Jewish Studies, University of Lodz)

28 March – the 3rd day of the conference

Location: The Faculty Council Room –hm. A. Kamińskiego 27a, 1st floor

"Red" Lodz – moderated by Jolanta Kolbuszewska (University of Lodz) – 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

  1. Gryzelda Missalowa (1901–1978) and her vision of the history of industrial Lodz, Rafał Stobiecki (University of Lodz)
  2. The contribution of Pawel Kroc to the shaping of the image of Lodz at the turn of the 20th century, Slawomir M. Nowinowski (University of Lodz)
  3. From the history of "Red Lodz". Barbara Wachowska (1929-2005) and research on the history of the Lodz labour movement, Kamil Piskała (University of Lodz)

Coffee break – 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Lodz – a non-obvious portrait – moderated by: Krzysztof Lesiakowski (University of Lodz) - 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

  1. Anna Rynkowska and her monograph of Piotrkowska Street, Jolanta Kolbuszewska (University of Lodz)
  2. Karl Dedecius – lodzermensch in exile, Andreas Lawaty (Lüneburg)
  3. Tadeusz Bojanowski and Lodz historiography of the 1980s, Andrzej Kobak (University of Lodz)

Lunch break – 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Lodz – between history and remembrance – moderated by Hans-Jürgen Bömelburg (JLU) – 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

  1. Lodz Jewish Books of Remembrance (Yitzkor Books). A research reconnaissance, Krystyna Radziszewska (University of Lodz) 
  2. "Umiejętnie unika sądów o nacjonalistycznym zabarwieniu". Miroslaw Cyganski (1925-2016) and research on the German occupation of Lodz in 1939-1945, Michal Turski (Centre for Historical Research in Berlin of the Polish Academy of Sciences)
  3. Unwanted history – research on the Lodz ghetto in the Polish People's Republic, Andrzej Czyżewski (Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences/Jerzy Giedroyc Centre, University of Lodz)

Summary and conclusion of the proceedings – 5:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

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Conference venue: Harcmistrza Aleksandra Kamińskiego 27a, 90-219 Łódź

Date and time of the conference: 26 March 2025 (Wednesday) 16:00 - 28 March 2025 (Friday) 18:00

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