Spotkanie z Martą Motyl w cyklu „Obiecane inspiracje”

Place of the event: Piotrkowska 295A, 93-004 Łódź
When: 19 January 2023 (Thursday) 18:30 - 00:00

On Thursday (19 January) at 6.30 p.m., feel free to join us at the Obiecana Café for the second meeting as part of "Obiecane inspiracje" [Promised Inspiration] series in 2023. During the event, Agnieszka Janiszewska will talk to Marta Motyl – a writer and art historian. The interlocutors will answer questions such as whether creativity has boundaries or not and whether there is a taboo in art, what contradictions the artist hides within themselves, and how to 'manage' creativity.

Marta Motyl is a writer and art historian. She is the author of the essay collections "Sztuka podglądania" [The Art of Peeping] (2020), "Sztuka prowokowania" [The Art of Provoking] (2021) and "Sztuka fantazjowania" [The Art of Fantasising] (2022), published by Lira Publishing. She has written numerous articles on visual arts and introductions to exhibition catalogues and published novels in which eros and psyche rule: "KochAna" (2012), "Odcienie czerwieni" (2016), "Moc granatu" (2017) and "Kolekcjonerka" (2019). She occasionally cuts and sticks collages.

Researchers argue that a creative personality is characterised by antinomy, meaning that it combines many seemingly contradictory traits (e.g. being feisty and sensitive, being open-minded and being fond of solitude). Perhaps this is particularly true of our speaker, Marta Motyl, who enjoys provoking and indulging herself in exploring biographies of famous artists

– explains the initiator of the series and interviewer Agnieszka Janiszewska.

The broad spectrum of the author's work ranges from erotic-psychological novels (the premiere of "Kolekcjonerka" at Dom Literatury [House of Literature] in Lodz featured... a pole-dancing show) to scholarly essays on the history of art and even newspaper-cut collages. Thus, there is room for creative inspirations – come, listen and ask your questions!

– adds Agnieszka Janiszewska.

During the meeting it will be possible to learn:

  • What contradictions does the artist hide within themselves?
  • How to 'manage' a large number of creative ideas?
  • How does fiction writing differ from journalistic writing?
  • Is it better to 'focus on one' or to create works from different genres and within a variety of themes?
  • Does creativity have boundaries and is there a taboo in creativity?

More about the project:

OBIECANE INSPIRACJE is a project under the patronage of the Rector of the University of Lodz, consisting of a series of open meetings with representatives of culture, science and art. The aim of the initiative is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, knowledge and experiences between representatives of the creative industries and science, so that we can all be inspired to implement our own creative ideas and receive valuable tips on how to successfully implement business and artistic projects.

All those interested are invited to attend, in particular those working or planning to start working in the fields of culture, art and creative industries; people who want to work creatively and with passion, researchers, and students looking for their career paths.

The meetings take place on selected Thursdays of the month at 6.30 p.m. at the Obiecana Café at Ogrody Geyera (Piotrkowska 295 A).

Organiser: Agnieszka Janiszewska – a philologist, editor, writer (the author of the novel "Woda księżycowa"). Agnieszka Janiszewska is a doctoral student at the Department of Artistic Education and Pedagogy of Creativity at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Lodz. She is a qualified life coach and trainer, specialising in working with artists/people who want to pursue creative projects or find their career paths.

"Obiecane inspiracje" project is a continuation of her original series of interviews with artists from Lodz, entitled "Inspiracje dla duszy" [Inspirations for the Soul], carried out in cooperation with the KIPISZ art foundation, and the series of panel discussions "Artystyczne inspiracje. Kulturalna jesień w Łodzi" [Artistic Inspirations.Cultural autumn in Lodz]. 

Co-organiser: Marcin Kujanek – an entrepreneur, manager of Obiecana Cafe.

Honorary patronage: Rector of the University of Lodz

Partners: Obiecana Cafe, Radio Łódź, Formy przekazu, Karolina Wojciechowska – Fotografia Kobieta Biznes, empati, Fundacja LodzArte, Calypso Fitness Łódź Ogrody Geyera, Księży Młyn Dom Wydawniczy, ThinkLodz

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Place of the event: Piotrkowska 295A, 93-004 Łódź

Date and time of the event: 19 January 2023 (Thursday) 18:30 - 00:00

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