2. Seminarium "Badaj, promuj, bądź"– wpływ społeczny badań naukowych

Place of the event: Matejki 32/38, 90-001 Łódź
When: 18 May 2023 (Thursday) 10:00 - 15:30

On 18 May 2023, University of Lodz is organising a seminar as part of the "Badaj, promuj, bądź" [Research, Promote, Be] series. This year, the already second seminar within the series will be devoted to the issue of social responsibility of science (universities) and the global and local social impact of scientific research. The seminar is addressed to the community of the University of Lodz and everyone who is interested in promoting science.

University of Lodz understands the need to support the academic community in disseminating and popularizing scientific achievements and encouraging dialogue with the university external environment.

The goal of the seminar is to raise the awareness of members of the UL community, as well as all those interested in popularisation of science, about how the scientific work of each person ultimately affects society (social impact of scientific research).

The event will be opened by Prof. Elżbieta Żądzińska, Rector of the University of Lodz. The speakers of this year's seminar include, among others, Dr hab. Agnieszka Kurczewska, Associate Professor, the University of Lodz Vice-Rector for External Relations.

Dr Łukasz Lamża, a populariser of science, a journalist, a YouTuber from the Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies at the Jagiellonian University, who will deliver a lecture entitled "Naukowiec w świecie mediów" [Scientist in the World of Media] will be the special guest of the event.

The seminar is addressed to the entire community of the University of Lodz and all those interested in popularisation of science:

  • researchers
  • students of BA, MA and PhD studies
  • scientific supervisors
  • university administration employees
  • employees of other scientific institutions

The number of participants who can take part in the seminar is limited – there are 70 places available and they will be booked on a 'first come-first served' basis.

The deadline for registration for the seminar is 15 May. The registration form and detailed programme can be found on: 

the website of the event (in Polish)

Address of the event: University of Lodz Library, Jana Matejki 32/38, Łódź, 90-237
(Rossmann Co-Working Zone)



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Place of the event: Matejki 32/38, 90-001 Łódź

Date and time of the event: 18 May 2023 (Thursday) 10:00 - 15:30

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