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The Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Mobbing Procedure  that has been introduced at the University of Lodz offers various paths of intervention aimed at mitigating the effects of identified discrimination and mobbing cases, and introduces a mechanism for reporting cases of discrimination/mobbing at the university.



Discrimination – action plan for students/doctoral students
  1. Report your case by sending an e-mail to the UL Discrimination and Mobbing Prevention Coordinator to the following e-mail address: using the template from Appendix no. 1 to the Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Mobbing Procedure at the University of Lodz.
  2. After a maximum of 14 days, the Discrimination and Mobbing Prevention Coordinator will decide whether the report is justified or not. The coordinator may return the case due to formal deficiencies. If violations are found, the case will be forwarded to the Discrimination Prevention Team.
  3. The team invites the parties to mediation. The parties may accept or reject the proposal. Mediation may end with a settlement and the signing of a mediation agreement. If mediation does not end successfully for both parties or the case requires intervention, it is transferred to the Discrimination Prevention Team. The case is also transferred to the Discrimination Prevention Team if the parties reject the offer of mediation.
  4. The team has 3 months to investigate the case and provide the opinion and justification to the Rector of the University of Lodz. The opinion may also contain recommendations for corrective actions, e.g. changing the group, providing intensive periodic psychological support, or transferring the case to the appropriate disciplinary ombudsperson.
  5. The final decision is made by the Rector of the University of Lodz.


  1. Using the template from Appendix no.1 and 2 1 to the Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Mobbing Procedure at the University of Lodz report your case by sending an e-mail to the UL Discrimination and Mobbing Prevention Coordinator to the following e-mail address: or leave the documents in a sealed envelope at the Secretary Office of the Rector of the University of Lodz.
  2. After a maximum of 14 days, the Discrimination and Mobbing Prevention Coordinator will decide whether the report is justified or not. The coordinator may return the case due to formal deficiencies. If violations are found, the case will be forwarded to the Discrimination Prevention Team or the Anti-mobbing Committee.
  3. The team invites the parties to mediation. The parties may accept or reject the proposal. Mediation may end with a settlement and the signing of a mediation agreement. If mediation does not end successfully for both parties or the case requires intervention, it is transferred to the Discrimination Prevention Team or to the Anti-mobbing Committee. The case is also transferred to the Discrimination Prevention Team or to the Anti-mobbing Committee if the parties reject the offer of mediation.
  4. The Anti-mobbing Committee/Discrimination Prevention Team has 3 months to investigate the case and provide the opinion and justification to the Rector of the University of Lodz. The opinion may also contain recommendations for corrective actions, e.g. changing the group, providing intensive periodic psychological support, or transferring the case to the appropriate disciplinary ombudsperson.
  5. The Anti-mobbing Committee/Discrimination Prevention Team gives an opinion on the merits of the complaint. The opinion may also include recommendations, e.g. referral to the disciplinary ombudsperson, as well as recommendations for remedial action, e.g. transfer of the employee to another post or unit, providing  intensive periodic psychological support.
  6. The final decision is made by the Rector of the University of Lodz.

A description of the action plan in the event of discrimination or mobbing regarding employees of the University of Lodz can be found in the Employee Knowledge Database in the Employee Service.