Pokaz malarstwa tuszowego w wykonaniu japońskiej artystki Sensei Matsumury Ryuki.

Place of the event: Jana Matejki 32/38, 90-237 Łódź
When: 18 October 2024 (Friday) 18:00 - 20:00

The University of Lodz Library will host an ink painting demonstration by Japanese artist Sensei Matsumura Ryuk on 18 October 2024 (Friday) at 6:00 p.m.

The Japanese title of the opening is 剣魂歌心と墨昇龍 (KenkonKashin to SumiShōRyu) – which can be translated as "The soul of the sword, the heart of the melody and the ink, soaring high into the clouds like a dragon".


During the meeting, Sensei Matsumura Ryuka will use ink, water and brushes to create a painting using the suibokuga (sumi-e) technique, which is one of the most important and characteristic branches of art in the Cherry Blossom Land. The show will be accompanied by a melodeclamation by Soke Masanori Ogawa (the founder of the Arakimunisairyu Ogawa Dojo School, who teaches not only swordsmanship, but also singing old Japanese songs). The meeting will feature selected works by the artist. An oriental view of nature and the beauty of asymmetry are elements expressed in traditional Japanese painting, and in particular in the suibokuga technique. Painting with ink fully utilises the "beauty of empty space": unlike Western works, traditional Japanese paintings do not cover the entire surface that the artist has at their disposal.

Sensei Matsumura Ryuka is an artist of Japanese suibokuga – a method of painting with just the medium of water and black Sumi ink. She was born in 1958 in Kyushu in Kumamoto Prefecture and graduated from Kyushu Zokei(molding)Art College-design course. She opened her own studio in 1982, where in addition to suibokuga she has been also creating illustrations and other projects. She is a winner of many awards and participant of dozens of exhibitions in Japan, Europe and the USA. During this year's stay in Poland, Sensei Matsumura Ryuka presents her works, leads suibokuga workshops and paints pictures during shows performed together with Mr. and Mrs. Soke Masanori Ogawa and Anna Ogawa (sword art show). The artist has been hosted by, inter alia, Warsaw museums: the Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów and the Asia and Pacific Museum.

The October show will take place thanks to the cooperation of the University of Lodz Library with the initiators and co-organisers of the meeting: the Yakumo-goto Club Association (Japanese Days at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz) and Soke Masanori Ogawa and Anna Ogawa (Arakimunisairyu Ogawa Dojo School). Fans of Japanese art will be able to take part in both the ink painting show (18 October) and the workshops (28 October – detailed information will be available soon), during which they will paint their own pictures using the suibokuga technique under the supervision of the artist.

The Artist’s Website

Source: Maria Strzelecka

Place of the event: Jana Matejki 32/38, 90-237 Łódź

Date and time of the event: 18 October 2024 (Friday) 18:00 - 20:00

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