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"Protection and Security in the Financial Market"

22 May, 2025

Wydział Ekonomiczno Socjologiczny UŁ


Studencka Klinika Finansów


The Department of Central Banking and Financial Intermediation at the University of Łódź, Department of Banking at the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business and the Student Clinic of Finance would like to invite you to

the 9th Scientific Conference entitled: "Protection and Security in the Financial Market", which will be held on May 22, 2025 in Łódź.

The Conference will be organized in a hybrid format, stationary and online. However,we hope you will take advantage of the opportunity to meet and personally exchange views during the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz meeting.

The Conference's main objective is to exchange views and experiences about the protection and security of financial services market participants, especially consumers. The subject of the Conference will be financial security from a broad and narrow perspective. As part of the discussion, the Organizers of the Conference assume an exchange of opinions and research results concerning the current state and prospects of protection and security of financial market participants.

During the Conference, a Jubilee Session is planned to celebrate the 30th anniversaryof the Department of Insurance at the University of Lodz.

Support in the organization of the conference is also provided by Nowoczesne Zarządzanie Biznesem, an economic education program created at the initiative of the Polish Bank Association and Biuro Informacji Kredytowej.

Nowoczesne Zarządzanie Biznesem


  • Mechanisms of functioning of financial market participants in the light of economic theories.
  • Protection and security of participants in the banking, insurance, capital services market and within the tax system.
  • Effectiveness of the consumer protection system.
  • Financial education. 
  • Household budget management.
  • Ethics in the activities of financial institutions.
  • Digital transformation and the protection and security of financial market participants.
  • Financial security of local governments in times of crisis.
  • Artificial intelligence and financial security.



28.03.2025 – deadline for registration, submission of abstracts (via the Conference website www.uni.lodz.pl/en/pasconference);

18.04.2025 – deadline for submission of presentation or poster. Failure to send a presentation or poster by this date means resignation from speaking at the Conference; Important! The conference organizer guarantees printing of poster if the conference participant sends the poster by April 18, 2024. After this date, the conference participant will be obliged to print it out himself/herself.

22.05.2025 – Conference;

30.06.2025 – sending the full text of the article.


Note: Information about acceptance of the abstract sent by April 17, 2025. 

          Information about the acceptance of the poster within three business days after sending it to the conference e-mail box.



For publication in the journal Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe applies fees described on the journal's website (Publication Fees | Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe (lodz.pl)).


The participant presenting the poster must prepare it in accordance with the requirements given below, see: FROM PART "PUBLICATIONS AND POSTERS" and send the electronic version to pas.conference@uni.lodz.pl by 18.04.2025.

Important! The conference organizer guarantees printing of poster if the conference participant sends the poster by April 18, 2025. After this date, the conference participant will be obliged to print it out himself/herself.


  • Dr hab. Monika Bolek, prof. University of Lodz
  • Dr hab. Dorota Burzynska, prof. University of Lodz
  • Dr hab. Agnieszka Czajkowska, prof. University of Lodz
  • Dr hab. Dorota Czechowska, prof. University of Lodz
  • Dr hab. Tomasz Dorożyński, prof. University of Lodz
  • Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Gajdka,University of Lodz
  • Dr hab. Pawel Gajewski, prof. University of Lodz
  • Dr hab. Dagmara Hajdys, prof. University of Lodz
  • Prof. Sophia Lobozynska, Ivan Franko L'viv National University of Lviv, Ukraina
  • Prof. dr hab. Monika Marcinkowska, University of Lodz
  • Prof. Yunju Nam, University at Buffalo of New York, USA
  • Prof. Paulo Reis Mourao, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
  • Prof. Ramona Rupeika-Apoga, University of Latvia, Ryga, Latvia
  • Dr hab. Edyta Rutkowska-Tomaszewska, prof. UWr
  • Dr hab. Joanna Stawska, prof. University of Lodz
  • Dr hab. Anna Szymanska, prof. University of Lodz
  • Prof. Sharon Tennyson, Cornell University, USA
  • Dr hab. Krzysztof Waliszewski, prof. UEP
  • Dr hab. Justyna Zabawa, prof. UEW, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business
  • Dr Magdalena Bywalec, prof. UEW, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business
  • Dr Magdalena Ślebocka, University of Lodz
  • Dr Wojciech Zatoń, University of Lodz
  • Dr Burcu Zengin, Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University, Turkey



Scientific Director: 

  • Dr hab. Dorota Czechowska, prof. UŁ (University of Lodz)

  • Dr hab. Justyna Zabawa, prof. UEW (Wroclaw University of Economics and Business)

Members of the organising committee:

  • Dr hab. Dagmara Hajdys, prof. UŁ (University of Lodz)
  • Dr hab. Czesław Lipiński, prof. UŁ
  • Dr hab. Joanna Stawska, prof. UŁ (University of Lodz)
  • Dr hab. Dariusz Wawrzyniak, prof. UEW (Wroclaw University of Economics and Business)
  • Dr Magdalena Bywalec, prof. UEW (Wroclaw University of Economics and Business)
  • Dr Tomasz Florczak (University of Lodz)
  • Dr Mariya Gubareva (ISCAL – Lisbon Accounting and Business School, Portugal)
  • Dr Małgorzata Jabłońska (University of Lodz)
  • Dr Dariusz Jędrzejka (University of Lodz)
  • Dr Dominik Kubacki (University of Lodz)
  • Dr Ewa Łosiewicz-Dniestrzańska (Wroclaw University of Economics and Business)
  • Dr Anna Mlostoń-Olszewska (CEO of Fundacja Rozwoju Rynku Finansowego)
  • Dr Adam Nosowski (Wroclaw University of Economics and Business)
  • Dr Marta Paduszyńska (University of Lodz)
  • Dr Anna Piechota (Uniwersytet Łódzki)
  • Dr Magdalena Ślebocka (Uniwersytet Łódzki)
  • Dr Artur Trzebiński (Wroclaw University of Economics and Business)
  • Dr Radosław Witczak (Uniwersytet Łódzki)
  • Dr Wojciech Zatoń (Uniwersytet Łódzki)
  • Dr Artur Zimny (University of Lodz)
  • Mgr Oliwia Gawron (University of Lodz)
  • Mgr Artur Kilanowski (University of Lodz)

Secretary: mgr Małgorzata Jędraszczyk (University of Lodz)



We invite you to send the texts of your papers, which after obtaining positive reviews will be published in one of the journals:

Finanse i Prawo Finansowe – Journal of Finance and Financial Law (40 pts according to the November 2023 MNiSW scoring)

Bezpieczny Bank – Safe Bank (40 pts according to the November 2023 MNiSW scoring)

Comparative Economic Research. Central & Eastern Europe (100 pts according to the November 2023 MNiSW scoring)



Please send the texts on mail pas.conference@uni.lodz.pl


Abstract for the submitted speech (presentation or poster) - guidelines for authors

The abstract should be prepared according to the guidelines outlined in the template.

Abstracts for submitted articles should be sent to the Organisers by e-mail to: pas.conference@uni.lodz.pl.



When checking the poster, the organisers will not proofread the text linguistically and will not check the content. Only the title of the poster and its permanent elements (including the title of the conference) are subject to verification.

Technical requirements for the poster

  • poster format: A1 i.e. 59.4 cm wide and 84.1 cm high or B1 i.e. 50 cm wide and 70 cm high
  • portrait orientation
  • formatting of the main text in two columns is suggested.

Please name submitted files in the format: "Surname, first name initial, title of paper or part of title", e.g. "Wisniewski J., Security in the era of coronavirus a ...".

Required elements of the scientific poster layout

  1. Title of the article in Polish or English (minimum font height 36 pts).
  2. Authors' names and affiliations (minimum font height 25 pts).
  3. Introduction, which should include the aim and research hypotheses, (minimum font height 22 pts). If the paper is based on empirical research, the author should provide a brief description of the research methodology used.
  4. Selected research results (minimum font height 20 points).
  5. Summary and/or conclusions (minimum font height 22pts).
  6. Title, abstract and keywords in English (for posters in Polish) or in Polish (for posters in English), (minimum font height 20pts).
  7. At the bottom of the poster, information about the Conference for which the poster has been prepared should be included (minimum font height 26 pts).


Poster template (A1 format).

Poster template (B1 format).



Please fill out the form below carefully, because the details will not be editable after registration.

In the case of works prepared in co-authorship, please carefully fill in the fields about co-authors!


Please read the Conference Regulations before registering.





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Department of Central Banking and Financial Intermediation
Faculty of Economics and Sociology
University of Lodz
ul. Rewolucji 1905. nr 39
90-214 Lodz


Małgorzata Jędraszczyk, MA
tel.:(+48) 42 635 53 40
mail: pas.conference@uni.lodz.pl



Take a look at the archived records of the Conference: