Webinar ,,RESET your research project with gender”: uwzględnianie problematyk koncepcji płci i różnorodności w projektach badawczych

"RESET Your Research Project with Gender" is a webinar open to large audience and aims to provide hands-on guidance and tools for integration of concepts of gender and diversity into research projects.

We will talk about:

  • integrating the gender perspective into research projects and its impact on the results
  • Horizon Europe funding requirements related to gender, social inclusion and diversity
  • projects proposals: success stories and useful tools

The event will include speeches by representatives of the European Commission and researchers who have successfully submitted gender-sensitive project proposals in the EU-funded competitions. RESET Team members will present tools developed within the project, such as control list and guidelines concerning Gender Impact Assessment. The event participants will have an opportunity to learn about gender integration into different research fields and stages of the project, as well as ask questions and receive guidance.

We encourage researchers, PhD degree holders, doctoral students as well as representatives of the units that support research and all those interested to participate in the webinar. The event will be held on 15 November 2022, starting at 2:00 p.m.

Link to the webinar will be send after prior registration.

A poster advertising the event with its title and date

RESET "Redesigning Equality and Scientific Excellence Together" is a coordination and support action under the Horizon2020 programme, aiming to address the challenge of Gender Equality in Research Institutions in a diversity perspective, as well as integrate concepts of gender in research, education and institutional policy. 

As part of the programme, with the contribution of the University of Lodz Gender Equality Board, the first University of Lodz Gender Equality Plan – Equal opportunities plan has been developed.

Gender Equality Plan that has been adopted at the University of Lodz, which constitutes an eligibility criterion for Horizon Europe, will guarantee the possibility of signing grant agreements and implementing projects in accordance with the European Commission's requirements in this respect. GEP is a formal requirement of the European Commission for public institutions, research units and universities from UE Member States and Associated Countries that apply for research funding from the European Union.  

Date and time of the event: 15 November 2022 (Tuesday) 14:00 - 17:00

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