Sympozjum: „Seeking Refuge Finding Solidarity? Challenges and Chances for Ukrainian Protection-Seekers in Europe”

As one of the members of the UNIC alliance, we invite you to participate in the symposium "Seeking Refuge Finding Solidarity? Challenges and Chances for Ukrainian Protection-Seekers in Europe" to be held on 1 June 2022. 

The main speakers will be Prof. Cathryn Costello (Hertir School and the Centre for Fundamental Rights, Berlin, Germany) and Prof. Itamar Mann (University of Haifa, Israel).

The Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz is a co-organiser of the symposium and will be represented by dr. hab. Marcin Górski, Professor of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz, dr Izabela Florczak and Agata Dąbrowska, a fifth-year law student, who is a member of the Ukraine Support Team appointed by the Polish Section of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR).

The symposium will be held in English

The symposium will focus on three topics:

  • National Regimes for Ukrainian protection-seekers in Europe.
  • The Role of Law Faculties and Universities in providing support to Ukrainian students and scholars.
  • The Right to Leave and Discriminatory Admissions of Protection-Seekers

The event will take place online, on 1 June 2022 from 10 AM to 3 PM (CET)

This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Please register by 31 May 2022 at: REGISTRATION 


In the three months since the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, over six million Ukrainians have sought protection in neighbouring countries, but many more have been forced from their homes and displaced within their own country.

At the EU level, the Council of the EU invoked the Temporary Protection Directive which grants Ukrainians the right to stay, work, and study in any EU member state for an initial period of one year. However, as in the application of every other EU directive, EU member states have national laws and regulations that envisage the application of the temporary protection regime within their home countries. Turkey -whilst not being an EU member state- has their own national rules and regulations on temporary protection as well which parallels the obligations envisaged under the EU Directive. While the national responses and established legal systems of protection may vary, they have shown that there is a favourable attitude towards Ukrainian refugees. This is especially visible when compared with the policies, border treatment, and media images of other refugee groups. There is a dearly demonstrated difference in the willingness of many States to admit Ukrainian refugees on the one hand and other refugees on the other.

European higher education and research community has expressed its undivided support to Ukrainian universities, students and staff. We, as members of the UNIC Alliance of Universities stand in solidarity with those who have to flee from Ukraine for their safety, with those who are in Ukraine and find themselves unable to continue living their lives, and with those who for other reasons are at risk due to the invasion, including Russian students and scholars at risk due to speaking out against the invasion.

Taking into account the legal aspects of protection of Ukrainian refugees in Europe, the Law Faculties from University of Zagreb (Croatia), Ruhr University Bochum (Germany), University of Lodz (Poland), University of Deusto, Bilbao (Spain) and Koc; University, Istanbul (Turkey) as members of UNIC alliance, are organising the Symposium "Seeking Refuge, Finding Solidarity? Challenges and Chances for Ukrainian Protection-Seekers in Europe".

Date and time of the event: 01 June 2022 (Wednesday) 10:00 - 15:00

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