Premiera IV tomu monografii – „Łódź poprzez wieki. Historia miasta. Od 1945 roku”

Place of the event: Ogrodowa 15, 91 - 065 Łódź Łódź
When: 19 July 2024 (Friday) 17:00 - 19:30

The premiere of the next, fourth volume of the monograph dedicated to Lodz, edited by Prof. Krzysztof Lesiakowski, is planned for 19 July of the current year at 5:00 p.m. at the Hall of Mirrors of the Museum of the City of Lodz (The Izrael Poznański Palace). This is an extremely important event in the calendar of every resident of Lodz.

The 4th volume – history of Lodz after World War II

The new volume "Łódź poprzez wieki. Historia miasta. Dzieje Łodzi po 1945 roku" [Lodz Through the Ages. History of the City. History of Lodz after 1945] is devoted to the history of Lodz after World War II, when the city functioned in the reality of the Polish People's Republic, and then in the reality shaped by the changes that began in 1989. The book presents events that distinguish the city from the rest of the country, as well as new interpretations of known facts. It is also the story of a post-industrial city looking for directions of its own development in the 21st century.

Monograph of Lodz – a historical undertaking

"Łódź poprzez wieki. Historia miasta" [Lodz Through the Ages. History of the City] is a unique project by the University of Lodz and the City of Lodz Office carried out on the occasion of the 600th anniversary of the city. Over a hundred people have worked on it, including specialists from various disciplines (history, art history, archaeology, ethnology, literary studies and linguistics). The monograph is a publication of the Lodz University Press. The premieres of individual volumes are important events for the inhabitants of Lodz, which are attended by the city residents, history lovers, researchers and government representatives.

Programme of the premiere

The discussion about the publication will be attended by: 

The meeting will be led by Dr Grzegorz Mnich.

Admission to the event is free, we encourage everyone to participate!

Event details

Place of the event: Ogrodowa 15, 91 - 065 Łódź Łódź

Date and time of the event: 19 July 2024 (Friday) 17:00 - 19:30