Łódzkie Wykłady z Poetyki: Joanna Bator na Wydziale Filologicznym UŁ | 14.03., 11.04., 23.05.

Place of the event: Pomorska 171/173, Łódź
When: 14 March 2024 (Thursday) 17:00 - 18:30 , 11 April 2024 (Thursday) 17:00 - 18:30 , 23 May 2024 (Thursday) 17:00 - 18:30

The University of Lodz Faculty of Philology in cooperation with Dom Literatury w Łodzi [House of Literature in Lodz] encourage you to attend Lodz Lectures on Poetics. Joanna Bator, who is a widely read, an award-winning writer, a publicist, a cultural anthropologist and a former academic lecturer, will be the speaker in this year's edition of the series.

The first Lodz Lectures on Poetics were held in 2018. In the photo: Olga Tokarczuk
Lodz Lectures on Poetics 2023: Mariusz Szczygieł
Andrzej Stasiuk and Monika Sznajderman at the Faculty of Philology in 2022

That's how it all started

The "Lodz Lectures on Poetics" series began in March 2018, when Olga Tokarczuk visited the Faculty of Philology at the University of Lodz. The later winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature gave three lectures at the University of Lodz, the record of which was included in her book entitled "Czuły Narrator" [The Tender Narrator] – the first book by the prose writer published after receiving a prestigious award from the Swedish Academy.

Return after the pandemic

The continuation of the cycle was hampered by COVID-19 and the restrictions introduced throughout the country. The Lodz Lectures on Poetics returned to the building of the Faculty of Philology only after the pandemic break in April 2022. This time, those interested had the opportunity to listen to the speeches of Andrzej Stasiuk and Monika Sznajderman. During the next three meetings, the speakers discussed, among others: issues of memory in relation to one's own life and work.

Lectures by a master of reportage

Last year's guest of the series was Mariusz Szczygieł, a former winner of the Nike Literary Award (2019) and a winner of the Grand Press Award (2013). Our guest's lectures focused on the art of writing reportage. Mariusz Szczygieł also talked about the differences between Poles and Czechs, referring to his work and award-winning books in which he described our southern neighbours.

Mariusz Szczygieł

Lodz Lectures on Poetics2024 – Joanna Bator at the University of Lodz Faculty of Philology  

This year's speaker will be Joanna Bator, who is one of the most respected Polish writers. Her texts, such as: "Piaskowa Góra", "Gorzko, gorzko" and "Ucieczka niedźwiedzicy" are part of the trend of engaged literature.

The artist is appreciated for her vivid, multidimensional language of expression, thanks to which she captures meanings that are difficult to verbalize. She was honoured with: the Nike Literary Award (2013), the Publisher Award and the Beata Pawlak Award (2005), Herman Hesse Literary Prize (2018). She was also awarded the Silver Gloria Artis Medal for Merit to Culture (2015). Joanna Bator's works have been translated into foreign languages for years and they also become research material for theoreticians – not only of literature.

During three meetings at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Lodz, the writer will talk about the creative process. Her "autobiographical existential-literary case study" is divided thematically (according to assigned dates):

  • 14 March: The Side of Imagination
  • 11 April: The Side of Compassion and Rebellion
  • 23 May: The Side of Care

a poster advertising the event

Each meeting will be open in nature – all those who are interested are welcome. The adopted formula assumes 45-minute speeches by the artist, followed by 30-minute discussions with the moderators, but also with the gathered audience (there will be an opportunity to ask questions). Marta Zdanowska from Dom Literatury in Łódź, Dr Izabella Adamczewska-Baranowska and Dr Angelika Siniarska-Tuszyńska will lead the meetings.

All the lectures will start at 5 p.m. at the Assembly Hall A1 of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Lodz.

Event details

Place of the event: Pomorska 171/173, Łódź

Date and time of the event: 14 March 2024 (Thursday) 17:00 - 18:30 , 11 April 2024 (Thursday) 17:00 - 18:30 , 23 May 2024 (Thursday) 17:00 - 18:30