Stypendia Visegrad – rejestracja otwarta do 15 kwietnia 2023 roku

Visegrad scholarships support Master’s students in any language for up to four semesters at more than 190 accredited higher-education institutions!

Visegrad scholarship is not only about studies!

Visegrad scholarship for Master's students are available for citizens of Visegrad countries (citizens of Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia), to study abroad at any accredited university/institute in other Visegrad country and in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, and Serbia.

How to?

  • The country of the applicant’s citizenship must be different from the country of the host institution.
  • Support for 1–2 semesters.
  • In the amount of €3,000/semester.
  • Submit online application by April 15, 12 PM (noon).

Interested?  Have a look here