UŁ tworzy studia licencjackie dla uciekających przed wojną Ukraińców

University of Lodz, taking advantage of the statutory possibilities, already this academic year is planning to launch recruitment for the "Studies on Poland with English" study programme. The application for launching this programme will be considered by the Senate of the University of Lodz at its meeting on 25.04.2022. International Relations Office of the University of Lodz is collecting declarations of willingness to study at admission@uni.lodz.pl.

In May 2022, the Faculty of Philology of the University of Lodz is planning to launch a new study programme.

They will be first-cycle studies, enabling students – who do not know Polish or know Polish to a narrow extent, who are interested in the Polish language and Polish culture and who want to improve their knowledge of the language and knowledge about Poland – to gain both knowledge of Polish at a minimum level of B2 and English at a minimum level of B2. The programme ensures obtaining extended, reliable knowledge of Polish language, literature and culture, as well as gaining knowledge of English. 

Studies in this field offer two specialisations: teaching Polish as a foreign language and Polish language in tourism and business, allowing for the start of a professional career in various sectors of the labour market, e.g., in language schools in Poland and schools abroad, cultural institutions, translation agencies, media, publishing houses, travel agencies, diplomatic missions and all types of companies and enterprises in which communication in Polish and English takes place (with the participation of other languages known to the future graduates). 

Education will last 6 semesters. Its goal is to develop Polish and English language skills to the minimum level of B2, to provide knowledge about the structure of Polish and English, about Polish literature and culture, as well as the history of Poland and to develop translation skills. In addition, the graduates will have philological habits in the field of creating spoken and written text, analysis of texts and their interpretation, critical thinking, referring to the facts and drawing conclusions from the data obtained, as well as communication, social and interpersonal skills that prepare to take up work in the cultural, educational, tourism and business sectors.  

Source: Mieczysław Pakosz (International Relations Office of the University of Lodz) 
Edit: Promotion Centre of the University of Lodz