Uniwersytet Łódzki w mediach – to był rok dobrej roboty!

52,733 publications about the University of Lodz, which have reached 714 million readers, viewers, listeners and internet users in Poland and around the world – these are the effects of media activity of the University of Lodz researchers in 2022, achieved, among others, with the support provided by the Promotion Centre, University of Lodz, as well as faculty representatives for promotion. If the airtime of these publications was to be translated into the price of advertising of our university in the media, we would get the amount of PLN 224.4 million!

So, we have done a lot together, we sincerely thank everyone for their cooperation and encourage more scientists to share their potential in 2023! 

Contact us, let's the world know about your achievements! Fill in your Employee Profile and be more visible online!


Demographer of the country on duty  

A man – the TV news show expert

Prof. Piotr Szukalski in the role of TVN Facts Expert

He can boldly be called the media face of Polish demography. Dr hab. Piotr Szukalski (UL Professor) from the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, often performs as an expert on radio and television news and publicist programmes. He co-creates many articles in the press and the internet (analyses, interviews, publicism). He comments on the results of the Census, the fertility of Poles, population migrations or current demographic trends. He is a co-organiser of scientific conferences, which resonate in the national media. After a press briefing organised by the UL Promotion Centre in cooperation with Dr hab. Szukalski during the Migration Conference of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish public opinion thanks to numerous publications got to know the latest, extremely detailed data concerning Ukrainian community protecting itself in Poland after Russian aggression – its composition, nature, education, economic situation.  

War Time Lawyers 

Dr Tomasz Lachowski and Dr Mateusz Piątkowski from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Lodz are extremely active in social media – their own and the university’s. These specialists in international law, in their analyses and comments constantly relate to the issues associated with the war in Ukraine, war law, war reparations, genocide, security issues in Europe and the world. Both are willingly and often used as experts by regional, nationwide media and international media. Recently, they have launched a podcast entitled "Lachowski i Piątkowski o prawie międzynarodowym" [Lachowski and Piątkowski on International Law] on YouTube and Spotify. In the podcast they talk about important, current global topics. Dr Lachowski is also the editor-in-chief of the “Obserwator Międzynarodowy” [International Observer] portal.  


In the world of new technologies

A woman and a man on a blue background

The activity of Dr Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska and Dr Artur Modliński from the Faculty of Management, University of Lodz in the field of scientific research, national and international projects related to new technologies, robotisation and artificial intelligence, has resulted in many publications in the national media in the passing year. In the case of Dr Kaczorowska-Spychalska, a very wide audience was reached, among others, by the topic of payment microchips implanted under human skin and the level of acceptance of Poles for this solution. Dr Artur Modliński published the results of his international team's unique research on the phenomenon of re-manualisation, i.e. taking over by humans the tasks that were previously commissioned to robots. The activity of both scientists in social media is also not insignificant for the wide reach of their publications. 


University of Lodz stands for literature

Two men sitting in armchairs

Professor Jerzy Jarniewicz and Maciej Świerkocki

The year 2022, which at the university has been rich with literary events like none before, began with "Paszport Polityki"  for Łukasz Barys, a student at the Faculty of Philology, author of the critically acclaimed debut novel "Kości, które nosisz w kieszeni" [The Bones You Carry in Your Pocket]. In June, the list of twenty nominees for the prestigious Nike Literary Award included books by two University of Lodz scientists: the novel "Dewocje" by Dr Anna Ciarkowska and a volume of poetry “Mondo cane” by Professor Jerzy Jarniewicz (both from the Faculty of Philology, University of Lodz). Eventually, Prof. Jarniewicz got to the final seven with his volume of poetry, to collect the Nike Literary Award for it a few weeks later during the gala of the final competition! Let's add that Maciej Świerkocki, a graduate and former lecturer at the University of Lodz collected Gdynia Literary Prize for a new translation of "Ulysses" in August. In September, his collection of essays "Łódź Ulissesa" was included in the final five books – contenders for this year's Prof. Tadeusz Kotarbinski Award for the best humanities book awarded by our university. In December, Professor Jarniewicz was the winner of the Julian Tuwim Literary Award for 2022. All these facts – thanks to the activity of the authors themselves and the supporting activities of the Promotion Centre of the university – resonated widely in the national media. 


Odra poisoning and ecohydrologists from the University of Lodz in the main role 

A man speaking into the microphone

Dr Paweł Jarosiewicz

The ecological disaster on the Odra River in the summer of this year and the pollution of Ner near Lodz triggered an avalanche of news stories in the Polish and international media. In many of them, eco-hydrologists from the University of Lodz had the leading expert voice on the causes of disasters and the condition of poisoned rivers. Speakers for the national and regional media included Dr Paweł Jarosiewicz, Dr Zbigniew Kaczkowski and Prof Maciej Zalewski from the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz. The eco-hydrologists launched a series of podcasts "Wywody po łódzku" this year and the last of them is devoted to the environmental disaster on the Odra River. 

How do you "sell" physics? 

A portrait photo of a man

Prof. Paweł Kowalczyk.

The answer to this question is undoubtedly known by dr hab. Paweł Kowalczyk, UL Professor from the Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics. He can talk about his research and discoveries, about the phenomena and laws of physics in such a fascinating manner that everyone listens with bated breath. Hence, there have been many publications in the national media this year using information from the Promotion Centre of the University about Professor Kowalczyk’s scientific activities, such as the one about the creation of a prototype of a flexible OLED monitor at the University of Lodz or the newly discovered properties of antimonene. The narrative talent of the physicist from Lodz was even appreciated by the authors of the popular breakfast programme Dzień Dobry TVN. Prof. Kowalczyk was invited to the studio to talk about the laws of physics that govern ski jumping.  


Media value of the ERC grant

A portrait photo of a man in a suit

Prof. Andrzej Indrzejczak.

While describing the most media topics and events that took place at the University in 2022, it is impossible not to mention the first ever grant by the European Research Council for a Polish scientist in the field of social sciences. It was awarded to Professor Andrzej Indrzejczak from the Department of Logic and Methodology of Sciences at the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the University of Lodz. The extraordinary amount of the grant – more than €1.6 million – meant that the news electrified academic community and resonated in the national media. Professor Indrzejczak has become a kind of ambassador for the ERC grant programme, encouraging Polish scientists to try to apply for funding their research. 


Centre for Asian Affairs at the University of Lodz, i.e. Asia without secrets 

A photo of a man behind a microphone

Prof. Dominik Mierzejewski.

The University of Lodz Centre for Asian Affairs, which brings together scientists – experts in Asian issues, is an indispensable group of experts, especially in times when China, Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asian countries are increasingly important in global politics and economy. Their comments and analyses reach viewers and readers in Poland and around the world. Media expert activity of dr hab. Dominik Mierzejewski, Head of the Centre for Asian Affairs, creator of Asian debates on the UL YouTube channel, author of comments for London SOAS and Jamestown Foundation in Washington, D.C. or the daily newspaper "Rzeczpospolita" can be used as an example. Additionally, there are publications by Dr Bartosz Kowalski for Jamestown Foundation and other international think-tanks, and by Mateusz Chatys for Singapore's ISEAS. In turn, comments by Dr Marcin Socha, Dr Joanna Beczkowska and Przemyslaw Ciborek in the media such as: Podróż bez paszportu, RMF FM, Polskie Radio24, 300gospodarka.pl cause that expert knowledge reaches a wider range of domestic and international audiences. 


Psychology at a new address

A modern building against the background of a blue sky

The new building of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Lodz

The opening, after two years of construction, of the new building of the Faculty of Educational Sciences at al. Rodziny Scheiblerów in the New Centre of Lodz was undoubtedly an important event of the passing year for the university. It was widely reported in the local and national media. The investment of PLN 56 million will result, among others, in the fact that students of a very popular psychology study programme will all be able to study in one place. Until now, four departments of the Institute of Psychology of the University of Lodz had operated in several locations in Lodz.  

A journalist's tweet about the new building of the UL Faculty of Educational Sciences

University supports Ukrainian citizens

TV crew in one of the University of Lodz warehouses with products of aid for refugees

Visit of journalists in one of the UL warehouses with products of aid for Ukrainian citizens

Since the end of February, after Russian aggression against Ukraine, the student campus at Lumumby and other centres of the University of Lodz has become home to almost 400 Ukrainian women with children, protecting themselves in our country against war. Apart from making rooms available to them in the UL dormitories, the Academic Support Centre of the UL has organised food and clothing warehouses for them, appealing to the university community and all residents of Lodz to provide groceries, chemicals, clothes, shoes. Local and national media journalists, publicising the needs of our guests from Ukraine provided support for this aid campaign. Thanks to their numerous publications and information on TV and radio programmes, we received a great number of gifts from the residents of Lodz for our Ukrainian guests. Thank you!


Other popular topics prepared by the UL Promotion Centre in cooperation with scientists from our university, which the media often used in the passing year: 

As you can see, in the passing year 2022, University of Lodz has significantly marked its presence in the national and international media. We hope that 2023 will be even better in this regard. The group of the University of Lodz scientists, who are happy to share their achievements with the external environment is constantly getting bigger and bigger. They want to share their achievements through their own social media profiles or with the support of the Promotion Centre on the pages of newspapers, websites of portals, radio and television. The monthly University of Lodz Press Breakfasts, which were launched by the Promotion Centre in December 2022, will facilitate contacts with the media for sure.

We would like to thank all those who are engaged in this form of promotion of their and the university’s research, scientific and teaching successes for their activity in 2022 and wish you a fruitful year 2023. Once again, we encourage you to contact Promotion Centre of the University of Lodz and to cooperate.

Source: Paweł Śpiechowicz, Marcin Kowalczyk, Promotion Centre, University of Lodz

Figures: IMM

Photos: Bartosz Kałużny, Maciej Andrzejewski, Marcin Kowalczyk, Promotion Centre, University of Lodz, UL archive