Doktorantka UŁ w prestiżowym programie dla młodych naukowców TopMinds

TopMinds is a mentorship programme for students and doctoral students who stand out in terms of unconventional enthusiasm for learning and who want to continuously invest in their multidirectional development. Natalia Zajączkowska, a doctoral student at the Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz, along with the other 23 participants in this year's edition, took part in this prestigious programme.

Photo: Mariusz Kosinski for Fulbright Poland

TopMinds aims to open the gates to an international career for young Polish scientists and to strengthen their competences. The programme has been initiated by the Top 500 Innovators Association, which brings together scientists, entrepreneurs, as well as specialists in technology transfer and commercialisation, and the Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission, which enables scientific and cultural exchanges between Poland and the United States.

The originators base their flagship project on relationship building and the transfer of knowledge and experience. They guarantee a unique opportunity to develop under the guidance of one of the friendly experts, representing various fields of science and culture. 

I have had the honour of working with the eminent prof. dr hab. Ilona Biernacka-Ligięza, whose academic career can be summarised with the three words 'international, inspiring and exemplary'.  Her kind advice will accompany me for a long time.

- says Natalia Zajączkowska from the Faculty of International and Political Studies.

Over the course of several months, mentorship meetings, numerous workshops, training sessions and TopMinds panels were held. They concerned scientific writing, copyright law, grants and fellowship programmes or communicating science. The participants had the chance to plan their research career path in depth and learn which tools to use so as to effectively set and achieve their goals. During the programme, they also had a chance to face stage fright and practise public speaking as part of an Oxford debate.

Taking part in TopMinds has not only allowed me to spread my scientific wings under the tutelage of a wonderful mentor, make invaluable international contacts and win a PhD scholarship. Above all, it has helped me to face my own weaknesses, believe in myself and set me on the path to achieving dreams and goals that until now seemed unattainable. The experience resonates and is with me every day. I wholeheartedly recommend participation in the programme to all young people who are adept at science looking for a forum for creative discussion, self-development and informed career management.

- concludes the doctoral student from the University of Lodz.

Source: Natalia Zajączkowska
Edit: Promotion Centre of the University of Lodz