UŁ i CNiT EC1 z porozumieniem o współpracy

The largest university in Lodz and the largest institution in Lodz that promotes science will work even closer. The cooperation agreement between the University of Lodz and the Center for Science and Technology EC1 has been signed by the authorities of both units. The agreement begins a new stage of the activity, not only in the field of education, but also, to a large extent, in the sphere of culture. This cooperation will be regular and efficient.

Prof. Kurczewska and Magdalena Kosiada-Sylburska with copies of the cooperation agreement in a post-industrial interiorThe cooperation agreement between the Center for Science and Technology EC1 and the University of Lodz was signed by Prof. Agnieszka Kurczewska, the University of Lodz Vice-Rector for External Relations and Magdalena Kosiada-Sylburska, Head of CNiT EC1.

Perfect partners

Science centres and universities seem to be natural partners in the implementation of joint ventures. Especially those whose aim is to popularise knowledge and its dissemination. Thanks to this, complex and highly specialised research has a chance to reach a wide audience. It happens thanks to using multimedia exhibitions, but also thanks to the built over the years involvement of the audience of institutions such as the Center for Science and Technology EC1.

Of course, the relationship between the University of Lodz and the Center for Science and Technology EC1 was established much earlier, but now the cooperation has reached a new level, and its nationwide scale examples are noteworthy. These include events that had several editions, attracted participants from all over Poland and research that has made it possible to determine the level of satisfaction of the Lodz science centre visitors as precisely as possible.

We implement various projects together with the University of Lodz. For example, a joint study of our offer recipients, based on which we can change into an even more attractive place. The university is also a substantive partner of the conference “Młodzi o klimacie” [Youth on Climate] which is organised periodically in November at the Center for Science and Technology.  Additionally, EC1 conducts student internships and organises joint events. As can be seen from the cited examples, the area of cooperation is really wide.

– says Magdalena Kosiada-Sylburska, Head of CNiT EC1.  

The development strategy of the University of Lodz for 2021-2030 assumes, among other things, the implementation of modern education based on scientific research and cooperation with external environment. This is an extremely important area for us, and thanks to gaining new long-standing and reliable partnerships, we can implement them in accordance with the highest standards. The potential of the Center for Science and Technology EC1 gives us, our employees and our students such an opportunity. I hope that this will allow us to multiply the effects of our work in a short time

– adds Prof. Agnieszka Kurczewska, the University of Lodz Vice-Rector for External Relations.  

Cooperation between the University of Lodz and the Center for Science and Technology EC1 so far  

The conference "Młodzi o Klimacie"   

A nationwide conference for high school students at the Center for Science and Technology EC1 – two editions (on 9-10 November 2021 and 8-9 November 2022). The conference "Młodzi o Klimacie", which is organised at the Center for Science and Technology EC1, is held under the honorary patronage of the Mayor of the City of Lodz, Hanna Zdanowska, and under the auspices of the WWF Polska Foundation. University of Lodz is a substantive partner of the event. The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for young people and experts to discuss the issue of climate change, which is the greatest challenge of modern times. We believe that the language of science allows to understand the world and teaches critical thinking. At the same time, we show that even complex issues can be presented in an accessible way. During the conference, students from all over Poland presented their papers and shared their knowledge about climate change.

Cooperation with the Business Development Centre (Faculty of Management at the University of Lodz)

At the turn of 2021 and 2022, EC1 became the subject of credit dissertations created by participants to summarise their learning within the current Business Development Centre. In this case, one of the largest Polish cultural institutions became the subject of analysis and the subject of study prepared as part of their credit dissertations. The issues primarily concerned communications, marketing, tools to reach target groups and brand building. It is worth adding the topic of co-organisation of the seminar within the series "W drodze do menedżerskiej doskonałości" – "Sparing człowieka z maszyną - seminarium PAM" (Center for Science and Technology EC1) on 4 March 2022 – a meeting with Dr Paweł Fortuna (The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin) and Michał Kędzierski (Centre for Science and Technology EC1), during which we considered interactions between humans and robots and presented the context of the hybrid revolution.

This cooperation is continued in 2023.

Source: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz

Photos: Maciej Andrzejewski, Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz