Pod patronatem UŁ: Raport SeniorApp na temat osób starszych

Specialists from SeniorApp, a company that co-creates the Academy of Entrepreneurship together with the University of Lodz, presented their latest report in terms of support for senior citizens in Poland. The report was premiered at the conference entitled 'Tak może wyglądać również Twoja przyszłość. Codzienność polskich seniorów’ [This is what your future may look like too. Everyday life of Polish senior citizens], organised in Lodz under the auspices of the Rector of the University of Lodz.

We are getting older...

Poles have been an ageing society for years, and the needs of senior citizens, their health status and general living situation have become the subject of numerous analyses and studies. Nowadays, when rising prices of products and services are not insignificant for senior citizens, it seems even more natural to want to find out and understand what elderly people are facing and how they can be supported in their daily lives. According to the SeniorApp report, one in four people in need in the age group 60+ does not receive any support, and those who were already in a bad situation are facing even more serious financial problems. Increasingly, a lack of closeness and companionship – in other word, loneliness – is also cited among the problems affecting the elderly. 

In Poland there are nearly 9.8 million people over the age of 60 (more than 4 million men and 5.7 million women). This is a number that equals or exceeds the population of some European countries, such as Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Denmark, Norway, Sweden or Croatia.  

"Ocena potrzeb w zakresie wsparcia dla seniorów w Polsce" [Assessing the needs in terms of support for senior citizens in Poland] is a report that addresses the health of the elderly, their needs, their material and social situation. This year, 1,384 senior citizens and 898 carers took part in the survey, i.e. people who are still professionally active and help people in need with everyday matters or those who would like to offer such help to their family or people in their immediate environment.  

Senior citizen's point of view

The respondents were asked, among other things, if they lived actively, what kind of help they would need and what kind of help they used. They were enquired if they asked for support and if they could count on it. They also identified the biggest obstacles to asking for help.

More than 80 per cent of the respondents declared that they lived an active life, i.e. that they left the house frequently (55.66%) or that they left the house for specific purposes (29.56%). Fifteen per cent of the respondents admitted that they did not engage in activities outside their homes. 

The help that senior citizens need – just like this social group – is diverse. The most frequently mentioned and expected forms of support include: health, i.e. medical, rehabilitation and nursing care (61% of the respondents), life support (25%) and financial support (21% of the respondents). One in four people declared that they did not need any help. Loneliness is increasingly becoming the bane of the elderly. Not satisfying the need for closeness was declared by 6% of the respondents.   

Financial situation of senior citizens

The study also showed that the period of pandemics, war and inflation resulted in reducing the financial security of senior citizens. Less than 3% of the elderly said their financial situation was very good, more than 17% of them described their level of financial security as good and more than 64% said it was average. Almost 16% admitted that their material situation was bad or very bad. Furthermore, 33% of the respondents stated that it had worsened over the past year, for more than 52% it has been the same, and it has improved in the case of only about 15% of the group.

Based on many years of observation and experience as well as prevailing demographic trends, it can be concluded that the population in Poland is ageing at an alarming rate. This is why, it is so important to focus the attention of policy-makers on organising efficient and effective health care assistance and devoting more financial resources to the care system for senior citizens.

Michał Winter, Representative of the Falck Management Board, National Medical Services Coordinator. 

From a carer's perspective 

The SeniorApp report also includes carers’ perspectives. The questions they were asked included those concerning material situation, obstacles to assistance, expectations of senior citizens’ relatives or the form of support they offer them. Interestingly, it is no longer time (as in the previous survey) but insufficient financial resources that is the biggest obstacle to providing assistance. As many as 41% of the respondents indicated that it was the lack of financial capacity that prevented them from adequately caring for their loved ones in need. Time was cited as an obstacle to providing assistance by 23% of the respondents. In contrast, one in five declared that they were not asked for help.

What kind of help do senior citizens need?    

Once again, the survey showed that communication between senior citizens and carers leaves much to be desired – it is full of misinterpretations.  They could be seen, for example, among the carers when they answered the question about the help senior citizens expect. The elderly reported that they needed health assistance most, while a large group of carers (73%) mainly indicated living issues.  

Many problems faced by elderly people need systemic solutions, taking the right steps to influence senior policy. The first step should always be to listen to and understand the actual needs of senior citizens. Action should be taken today, as the effects will be felt over time. It is also crucial to understand that the reality of elderly people will be the reality of people who will be over 60 in a dozen or so years. Therefore, taking care of the situation of today's senior citizens also means ensuring that a young person does not face health, financial and loneliness problems in the future.

Przemysław Mroczek, SeniorApp. 

Source: SeniorApp 

Edit: Promotion Centre, University of Lodz