Eksperci z UŁ wciąż niosą pomoc w diagnozowaniu SARS-CoV-2

Over a dozen of people from the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, UL continuously work in a virology lab created in cooperation with the Medical University of Lodz, Polish Academy of Sciences and Proteon Pharmaceuticals company. As a matter of urgency, they perform diagnostic tests for SARS-CoV-2 virus. An interdisciplinary team of “CovidLab” - laboratory diagnosticians, microbiologists, biologists, biotechnologists and geneticists - the team started operating in March 2020 and has been invariably helping in the fight against the pandemic. It is a source of great pride for the University of Lodz!


“CovidLab” is an initiative of specialists from the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, UL, Central Clinical Hospital of the Medical University of Lodz, scientific and research units from the Medical University of Lodz, Institute of Medical Biology of PAS, Proteon Pharmaceuticals company as well as BioNanoPark. For more than 7 months efficient operation of the laboratory has been possible thanks to knowledge, skills and hard work of specialists involved in this project.

“To make it all go well, we need young hands and old brains” 

(T. Kotarbiński)

Following the advice of Professor Tadeusz Kotarbiński, the first Rector of the University of Lodz, the team consist both of experienced researchers, who on a daily basis work as managers, academic teachers, technical staff, employees of R&D research and industrial laboratories as well as scientists who only start their career: doctoral students, assistant professors and first of all, graduates of the fields of study such as: Microbiology, Biotechnology, Genetics and Biology, UL.

Work in the laboratory of BSL3 class during a global pandemic provides great satisfaction and is a proof of the fact that the skills we have obtained during the studies are not only useful in routine diagnostics but also in crisis situations, such as this one – comments mgr Edyta Śmigielska, a graduate of Microbiology, UL who works in Proteon Pharmaceuticals.

Awareness of the fact that as microbiologists and biotechnologists we are truly able to contribute to the fight with such a serious problem that the contemporary world had never had to face before, is the best proof that it is worth studying Microbiology at the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, UL and it’s worth developing scientific passions – adds mgr Małgorzata Paszkiewicz, a graduate from UL.

Work here is very dynamic. Each day the lab technicians test hundreds of samples. Such work requires staying focused, but also being flexible and reacting quickly, e.g., when a protocol or equipment changes. When going to the “CovidLab” you can never be sure of anything. It’s worth keeping your mind open, in line with the logo of UniLodz – adds dr hab. prof. of UL Beata Sadowska from the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, UL.

Despite pressure and difficult conditions of work we are working in a good atmosphere. We are close, and more than half of us know each other from the time of studies, doctoral school or current workplace - comments dr Adrian Gajewski, a graduate of Microbiology at the University of Lodz working at the Department of Immunology and Allergy at the Medical University of Lodz.

“People working together as one group can accomplish things that no one could dream of achieving alone” 

(F.D. Roosevelt)

As in every team, especially an interdisciplinary one, we confront various ways of working and problem solving. Fortunately, what we have in common is the common goal and mutual respect. We supplement one another creating a good team – adds dr Karolina Rudnicka, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, UL

Because of the way we are dressed sometimes it is difficult to say if today we are working with a colleague or a Professor – comments mgr Malwina Kawka, a doctoral student from the Department of Molecular Microbiology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, UL. 

Many people imagine us wearing yellow closed-air suits straight from a catastrophe movie. Such outfits are required in the highest class BSL4 biosafety laboratories. The fact is that there is a great need to build such a laboratory in Poland, and graduates of Microbiology at the University of Lodz are well prepared to work in this type of laboratories. The best proof of which is our commitment to diagnostic work towards SARS-CoV-2 – adds mgr Adrian Bekier, a doctoral student from the Department of Molecular Microbiology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz. 

Who would have thought that many years in the Fossil DNA Laboratory at the Department of Anthropology, UL will allow me to join such a big thing, which work on the first line of contact with a virus collected from a patient is – comments mgr Paulina Borówka, a doctoral student from the Department of Anthropology at the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz. 

Apart from the need to create high-class laboratories, one should also remember about developing and training new staff, which in emergency situation will allow to support the personnel of units created spontaneously. With the start of pandemic in some places in the country such units were just emerging and access to diagnosticians and laboratory staff was limited. A considerable part of the “CovidLab” team are great specialists from the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, UL – a Faculty where great attention is paid to the laboratory workshop in the field of very diverse research topics – emphasizes Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, dr hab. prof. of UL Katarzyna Dzitko

It’s special joy and pride for me, because I see how hard my doctoral student works in the team, and I know that our entire team is trying just as hard. I have already thanked everyone individually, but I would like to emphasize it once again - what you are doing is wonderful. This is simply the best proof of the great role of scientists and science – says prof. Elżbieta Żądzińska, Rector of the University of Lodz.

Setting up the virology laboratory on March 23, 2020 that is managed by prof. Maciej Borowiec required decisive but thoughtful actions, as well as organizational efficiency of representatives of the Medical University of Lodz, University of Lodz, Polish Academy of Sciences and Proteon Pharmaceuticals. The laboratory was designed, procedures were elaborated, specialists were recruited and all formalities were completed in a very short time. 

Keep up the good work!!!

We thank all the representatives of the University of Lodz, scientific employees, doctoral students and graduates who have contributed to the activity of CovidLab: 

prof. UL, dr hab. Paweł Stączek 

prof. UL, dr hab. Katarzyna Dzitko, 

prof. UL, dr hab. Bożena Dziadek 

prof. UL, dr hab. Justyna Gatkowska 

prof. UL, dr hab. Beata Sadowska 

dr Dominik Strapagiel 

dr Marcin Włodarczyk 

dr Andrzej Błauż 

dr Marzena Więckowska-Szakiel 

dr Karolina Rudnicka 

mgr Adrian Bekier 

mgr Paulina Borówka 

mgr Malwina Kawka 

mgr Olga Kuźmycz 

mgr Klaudyna Królikowska 

mgr Paulina Skibińska 

mgr Paulina Rusek 

mgr Karolina Durka 


University of Lodz is one of the biggest universities in Poland. Its mission is to educate top-class scientists and specialists in numerous fields of humanities, social sciences, natural and exact sciences as well as health sciences. UniLodz cooperates with business, both at the staff level by providing qualified employees as well as at the scientific level, by offering its know-how to enterprises from various areas of economy. University of Lodz is an academic institution open to the world – the number of its international students is constantly growing, while its Polish students, thanks to Exchange programmes, get to know Europe, Asia and travel overseas. The University is a part of Lodz, it operates for and with the community of Lodz by getting involved in many socio-cultural projects. 

Edit: Promotion Centre, UL