Nasz uniwersytecki chór wyśpiewał złoto we Wrocławiu

The University of Lodz Choir has come back home with gold from the National Sacred Music Competition 'Dona Nobis Pacem' in Wrocław. The jury awarded its performance with the Golden Diploma and the conductor Aleksandra Ryłko-Sutowicz won a special award – for the best conductor of the competition.

This year, it’s been the second edition of the Wrocław competition organised by the Polish Association of Culture Animators 'Kulturalny Koneser' [Culture Connoisseur], but the first one in a traditional formula (last year the event was held online). Eighteen choirs from all over Poland performed at the Cathedral of St. Vincent and St. James located in the Old Town of Wrocław. They were assessed by outstanding experts in choral music – Prof. Dr hab. Bernard Mendlik (Bydgoszcz), Prof. Dr hab. Jolanta Szybalska-Matczak (Wrocław) and Prof. at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Dr hab. Joanna Piech-Sławecka (Poznan). The jurors awarded the performing teams with diplomas (equivalents of medals) – gold, silver and bronze.

The University of Lodz ChoirThe University of Lodz Choir

The University of Lodz Choir performed, in accordance with the regulations, four sacred songs – "Mój Ójcze" [My Father], a piece in the Kashubian language, i.e. "Mój Ójcze" arranged by a contemporary Polish composer, Marek Raczyński, a moving "Lullaby" to the words of Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński by Józef Świdra, followed by the unusual composition "Eli, eli" in the translation of "My God, my God, why have you abandoned me", written by the Hungarian artist Gyorgy Deak-Bardos. At the end of the performance, the choir performed "Clare benediction" by the contemporary British artist John Rutter. After the announcement of the results, the awarded University of Lodz Choir once again performer in front of the large audience, and between the performances there was time to discover the charms of beautiful Wrocław, especially since the weather didn’t disappoint.

We were happy to receive information about the awards, but we won't be resting on our laurels –work on another artistic material is ahead of us, choir workshops in Silesia and concerts: in Goczałkowickie Ogrody (3 June ) and during the final of the Czesław Prudel National Competition of Choral Song in Lyski (4 June), where we were invited as last year's Grand Prix winners

– announces Aleksandra Ryłko-Sutowicz, conductor of the University of Lodz Choir.

Congratulations and we wish you more success!

Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz