Uroczystości z okazji 78. rocznicy utworzenia Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

The University of Lodz community celebrated the 78th anniversary of the establishment of the largest university in Lodz, falling on 24 May with a formal sitting of the Senate. During the ceremony in the Prof. Wacław Szubert Assembly Hall, people who have made special contributions to our university were honoured with university medals.

Formal sitting of the Senate of the University of Lodz

The sitting of the Senate began with the introduction of the banner of the University of Lodz into the hall and the singing of the national anthem by the University of Lodz Choir. Rector of the University of Lodz, Prof. Elżbieta Żądzińska welcomed the guests invited to the ceremony: representatives of other universities in Lodz, deans of the faculties of the University of Lodz, representatives of the provincial and local government administration.

In her speech, Prof. Żądzińska referred to the beginnings of the University of Lodz, which was established just after the end of World War II, continuing the achievements and traditions of the Free Polish University Branch established in 1928 in Lodz (in 5 years we will celebrate the 100th anniversary of Academic Lodz).

Today, the community of the University of Lodz consists of 28,498 people, of whom 24,750 are students and doctoral students.

We are not only the largest university in central Poland, but also one of the largest employers in the region. 3757 people work at our university. There are 2,249 academic teachers, including 563 university professors and 211 titular professors. Since the beginning of the university, 6,304 doctoral degrees and 2,570 habilitated doctor degrees have been awarded. We have a real impact on the development of world science: over the years 2017-2022, we implemented over 750 projects for a total amount of over PLN 331 million. Additionally, we finance over 200 projects for the amount of nearly PLN 10 million from IDUB funds 

– said Prof. Elżbieta Żądzińska, emphasising that we have not wasted these 78 years.

Formal sitting of the University of Lodz Senate 

However, according to the Rector of the University of Lodz, the era of "lonely islands" in science is over. Today, the most groundbreaking research projects are carried out by large teams of outstanding scientists. Researchers are increasingly involved in solving the problems of the modern world. Both in Poland and abroad, the University of Lodz is looking for increasingly stronger partnerships that will help show its research and teaching potential. The alliance of European Universities – UNIC is one of them.

The new UNIC mission, which has been signed by 10 universities, including, the University of Lodz, contains a detailed list of activities and initiatives. It highlights UNIC's renewed goals in the coming years, most notably the introduction of inter-institutional teaching and research models. The new mission of the alliance also includes the inhabitants of Lodz, as great emphasis has been placed on the flagship project of the UNIC alliance, i.e. "CityLabs", which creates opportunities for the exchange of knowledge between universities and the residents and authorities of the cities in which they operate.

Today, on the day of the University of Lodz, we can proudly look into the future. We are a strong and active scientific centre, a centre of modern education and a driving university that has a real impact on surrounding world and society. I hope that the mission of the University of Lodz will continue to accompany you in your daily work so that you can conduct research reliably, wisely educate future generations and be useful to society

– concluded the Rector of the University of Lodz.

This was followed by the ceremony of presenting the university medals to people of merit for the University of Lodz.

The "Universitatis Lodziensis Amico (Friend of the University of Lodz)" medals were awarded to: 

  • Dr Giuseppe Arduino – Chief, Section on Ecohydrology, Water Quality and Water Education at UNESCO IHP   
  • Prof. Dr hab. Aleksy Awdiejew (Jagiellonian University)  
  • Prof. Wolfgang Braungart (Bielefeld University)  
  • Prof. Dr hab. Feliks Czyżewski (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin)  
  • Prof. Hieronim Jakubowski (Rutgers University) 
  • Dr Remi Wattier (Université de Bourgogne)  
  • Rev. Prof. Dr hab. Alfred Wierzbicki (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin)  
  • Santander Bank Polska  

Rector of the University of Lodz is presenting the medals during the formal sitting of the Senate of the University of Lodz

The Universitas Lodziensis Merentibus medals were awarded to:    

  • Prof. Dr hab. Zbigniew Anusik (Faculty of Philosophy and History)    
  • Prof. Dr hab. Jerzy Długoński (Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection)   
  • Prof. Dr hab. Lucyna Domańska (Faculty of Philosophy and History)  
  • Prof. Dr hab. Aneta Koceva-Chyła (Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection)   
  • Prof. Dr hab. Janusz Markowski (Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection)   
  • Prof. Dr hab. Tadeusz Markowski (Faculty of Management)    
  • Prof. Dr hab. Barbara Różalska (Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection)  
  • Dr hab. Wiesław Szymczak, prof. UŁ (Faculty of Educational Sciences)  
  • Prof. Dr hab. Elżbieta Umińska-Tytoń (Faculty of Philology)  
  • Prof. Dr hab. Jarosław Wierzbiński (Faculty of Philology)    
  • Prof. Dr hab. Zofia Wysokińska (Faculty of Economics and Sociology)   
  • Prof. Dr hab. Maciej Zalewski (Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection)   

The Universitas Lodziensis Alumno Laude Dignissimo medals for outstanding organisational or scientific-research activity for, and for the benefit of, the University of Lodz were awarded to the following students and doctoral students:

  • Alicja Cienkowska (Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection)  
  • mgr Agata Dąbrowska (Faculty of Law and Administration)  
  • Agnieszka Dukalska (Faculty of International and Political Studies)  
  • mgr Katarzyna Kurpet (University of Lodz Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences)  
  • mgr Eliza Matusiak (Faculty of Philology)  
  • mgr Joanna Paprzycka (Faculty of Geographical Sciences)  
  • mgr Irena Podolska-Rutkowska (Faculty of Philosophy and History)  
  • mgr Jakub Sroka (University of Lodz Doctoral School of Humanities).  

The formal sitting of the University of Lodz Senate ended with the traditional Gaudeamus sung by the University of Lodz Choir.

Source and edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz

Photos: Maciej Andrzejewski, Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz