Dostęp testowy do bazy Electronic Enlightenment z Oxford University Press

Oxford University Press – Electronic Enlightenment is the most wide-ranging online collection of edited correspondence of the early modern period. It is a pioneering digital resource for the study of the letter as a form of human communication and its place in the rich writing culture from the early 17th to the mid-19th century.

Letters, a photo of a woman and an ink bottle on a desk

Drawing on the best critical editions, Electronic Enlightenment benefits from cooperation with a large network of renowned university publishers, editors, scholars and students who have provided the texts. The collection continues to expand thanks to the addition of further archival/print editions, which are then introduced into the database in a digital form. The EE is not simply an 'electronic bookshelf' of isolated texts, but a network of interconnected documents, allowing you to see the complex web of personal relationships in the early modern period and the making of the modern world. Thanks to reading the letters, we can learn about the joys, sorrows and the way people of that era saw the world.

We encourage you to use the database – the database test will run until 13 June 2023

Link to the resource:

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Employees of the University of Lodz – the same way they log in to the University of Lodz Employee Service