Dostęp testowy do czasopism deGruyter

University of Lodz Library, courtesy of the recognized academic publisher De Gruyter, has launched test access to the latest collection of CJP 2023 journals (Complete Journal Package 2023).

A person holding a tablet

De Gruyter is an invaluable source of information for any library. which represents the best available scientific and research information. The subject of the test are periodicals from various fields of knowledge (the total number of journals in the test access is 354), e.g.:

  • literary studies,

  • religious studies,

  • law,

  • theology,

  • sociology and others

We encourage you to use it – the test time is limited and will run until 20 March 2023.

The full list of titles 

Access to the database can be found on the University of Lodz Library’s website in the "e-zasoby" [e-resources] tab, "dostęp testowy" [test access].

Logging in:

Students of the University of Lodz – the same way they log in to USOS

Employees of the University of Lodz – the same way they log in to the University of Lodz Employee Service