Zdolni Uczniowie zostają Świetnymi Studentami UŁ

Numbers don't lie – the University of Lodz "Talented at School, Brilliant at the University" programme addressed to secondary schools is becoming more and more popular. Not only is the number of the programme participants growing, but also the number of graduates choosing to study at the University of Lodz. It is with great pleasure that we are launching the call for the 6th edition of the programme.

The pandemic put some projects on hold only for a while. However, it did not kill the passion of young high school and technical school scientists and researchers, who, under the watchful eye of mentors from the University of Lodz, explored the mysteries of the world – different at each faculty, but invariably: intriguing, broadening horizons, related to life 'here and now'. The spectrum of interests is wide. 

More and more young people willing to study at the University of Lodz 
Thanks to the "Talented at School, Brilliant at the University" programme, the University of Lodz has already gained new students after its first edition. In the academic year 2017/18 seven graduates chose to study at the UL, while after the fourth edition, i.e. in the academic year 2021/2022, already 28 of them. Recruitment for the new academic year also looks promising – although it is still in progress, I already know that 22 graduates of the programme will be taking up their studies at our university.

It is particularly pleasing that the studies at the University of Lodz are chosen by participants who have taken part in several editions – those who have started their adventure with the UL as first or second graders. You could say that they were growing up with the programme, completed subsequent classes and often changed their academic interests. This is because of the fact that the programme participants did not always choose to continue their education at the same faculty where they had completed the programme. 

Support from the University of Lodz
The programme graduates who take up studies at the University of Lodz can benefit from various types of support, e.g. mentor's advice on formal matters (related to the course of studies or to financial support) or in making decisions concerning scientific and research development. They can get advice on the individual study plan and programme (IPS) already from the 2nd semester of the first year of studies or discount on residence fees at the University of Lodz Dormitories. 

Participants of the "Talented at School - Brilliant at the University"programme, accepted for the 1st year of studies at the University of Lodz Academic year 2019/19 – 8%. Academic year 2019/20 – 14%. Academic year 2020/21 – 21%. Academic year 2021/22 – 32%

About the programme
"Talented at School, Brilliant at the University" is an innovative programme of the University of Lodz addressed to the secondary school students, mainly from Lodz and the region. It has been implemented since 2017. Its aim is to broaden the passions and interests of the secondary school students through their individual periodic consultations with academics from the University of Lodz and their participation in selected classes, research and seminars for young researchers which are held at the university. The programme enables students to benefit from the knowledge and experience of academics who inspire and encourage them to be more creative.   

Source: Agnieszka Piestrzeniewicz (Academic Support Centre, University of Lodz) 
Edit: Promotion Centre, University of Lodz