Uczestnik programu „Zdolny uczeń - świetny student” laureatem krajowych eliminacji Konkursu dla Młodych Naukowców

Maksymilian Gozdur, a participant in the "Talented at School, Brilliant at the University" programme, the 4th grade student from the Righteous Among the Nations State Secondary School of the University of Lodz, has won the national eliminations of the European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS). Together with the other two finalists, he will represent our country during the final of the competition in Brussels on 12-17 September this year.

Maksymilian Gozdur and Professor Kulesza
Maksymilian Gozdur presented the project "Instytucje sprawiedliwościowe przewidziane w procedurze karnej Polski i Francji a standardy rzetelnego procesu zawarte w normach prawa międzynarodowego i procesu resocjalizacji skazanych" [Justice institutions provided for in the criminal procedure of Poland and France and the standards of a fair trial contained in the norms of international law and the process of social rehabilitation of convicts] The recommendation for the competition was prepared by Prof. Jan Kulesza from the Department of Criminal Law, who then supported the laureate in terms of content and organisational issues during the competition procedure. Maksymilian Gozdur is an active participant in the lecture on Criminal Law, given by Prof. Kulesza in the second year of law studies.

We would like to offer our congratulations and keep our fingers crossed for further success!

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