Badanie naukowca UŁ: jak Spółki Skarbu Państwa radzą sobie z nowymi technologiami

The vast majority of Polish State Treasury companies use at least one solution in the field of new digital technologies, most often provided as e-services and cloud technologies. However, according to the recently published report "Wdrażanie technologii w Spółkach Skarbu Państwa" [Implementation of technologies in State Treasury companies], which was co-authored by Dr Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska from the Centre for Smart Technologies, the Faculty of Management at the University of Lodz, the general level of digital sophistication in the surveyed State Treasury companies is assessed by them as relatively low.

Dr Dominika Kaczorowska-SpychalskaDr Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska, a leader of the Research, Innovation and Implementation Subgroup in the Artificial Intelligence Working Group supporting the study.

The subject of the activity described in the report was to conduct market research in terms of the the level of knowledge, readiness to implement and use of new digital technologies (artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and services provided as e-services) in State Treasury companies in Poland. The study started in September 2022 and completed in March 2023 (the units were surveyed in January 2023).

The team dealing with the research on the part of the Ministry of Digital Affairs was led by Sylwia Stefaniak, whose main motivation was to open a dialogue between the companies and the public administration. The support of the Working Group for Artificial Intelligence and the leader of the Subgroup for Research, Innovation and Implementation – Dr Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska, also proved invaluable.

The report (...) does not exhaust the issues of research and expertise we have undertaken, which results from both the large variety of issues describing the level of openness and readiness of State Treasury companies for new digital technologies, as well as the huge dynamics of changes that are taking place in this area. Undoubtedly, however, it is an important element in the ongoing discussion on the path of the Polish economy towards the framework of global competition in the digital world. We hope that it will also become an inspiration for further studies and analyses on the role of digital technologies in this market sector

–  Dr Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska, the Centre for Smart Technologies, Faculty of Management, University of Lodz.

The study shows, among others, that in order to improve the level of digital sophistication, most companies invest in new equipment, programs or services and cooperate with external companies. The study presented a picture of a low level of digital sophistication, especially in the case of small State Treasury companies, which is associated with a low level of awareness of these entities about the benefits of using digital technologies.

The main problem in the digital development of State Treasury companies is the lack of a sufficient number of trained specialists and personnel responsible for digitisation within the individual surveyed companies, as well as high expenditures related to the implementation of such solutions.

Despite the low assessment of the level of digitisation, the State Treasury companies show a high level of interest in this topic. More than half of the surveyed entities (55%) indicated that implementation work in the field of new digital technologies is currently underway, while 70% declare readiness and plans to start such activities.

Finally, the conclusions from the study are to result in the improvement of directional and budgetary decisions made at the government level.

Source:, Faculty of Management, University of Lodz

Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz