Stypendia MEiN dla badaczek UŁ

The Minister of Education and Science awarded scholarships to outstanding young scientists. The winners include – dr Alina Barczyk from the Institute of History of Art, University of Lodz and dr Weronika Gonciarz from Institute of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Immunology. The winners were selected by experts representing all scientific and artistic disciplines. To fund the awarded scholarships, the Minister of Education and Science will allocate nearly PLN 42 million.

When assessing the applications, the premium was put on the measurable effects of the young scientist's research activity in the form of scientific publications (or artistic works – in the case of the arts) and practical applications of the results of the research or the carried our development work.

The researchers will obtain financial support amounting to PLN 5 390 a month for 3 years.

Winners from the University of Lodz:


Source: Science Centre of the University of Lodz, Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN)