„Reportaż, czyli sposób na życie” – pierwszy z serii wykładów Mariusza Szczygła za nami [podcast]

"As a child, he watched the yard through the window, with his nose glued to the glass – that is how the reporter was born [...]". Mariusz Szczygieł, a Polish journalist, a writer and a child of the Polish school of reportage gave his first lecture at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Lodz as part of the series "Łódzkie wykłady z poetyki" [Lodz lectures on poetics].

The meeting with the experienced and well-known Polish media reporter was hosted by Dr Izabella Adamczewska-Baranowska from the Department of Theory of Literature of the University of Lodz. During his visit to the faculty, Mariusz Szczygieł talked about the problems of reportage as well as principles and values followed by Polish journalists. "Reportage, or a Way of Life" is a lecture fully devoted to the most interesting fragments of the history of Polish reportage and the most important aspects of the profession of a reporter.

Mariusz Szczygieł and Dr Izabella Adamczewska-Baranowska in the Assembly Hall A1 of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Lodz

The lecture participants learnt what entices Mariusz Szczygieł in everyday life and what reportage has to do with cabaret and art. The journalist's confessions also included conclusions regarding the role of understanding in creating a reportage story.

After the lecture, the reporter answered a few questions that allowed to complete the most interesting threads of his captivating story. At the end of his talk, Mariusz Szczygieł also explained what "events that seem to have happened" are and how memory and time affect our perception of reality.

The next lectures by Mariusz Szczygieł at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Lodz will take place on 18 April and 16 May at 5:00 p.m. We invite everyone interested – admission is free.

Mariusz Szczygieł is a journalist, a reporter, a writer and an academic lecturer. He has been associated with "Gazeta Wyborcza" for over thirty years. He developed his talent for writing under the supervision of Hanna Krall. Over the years 1995-2001, he was the host of the TV talk show " Na każdy temat", a programme that touches on difficult and controversial topics, which in 1997 received the TV Polsat Award for the best talk show. He is a founder and a board member of the Institute of Reportage Foundation, a co-founder of the publishing house Dowody Na Istnienie. He won the European Book Prize for "Gottland" (2009), the Andrzej Woyciechowski Award (2013) and the "Nike" Literary Award for the volume of reportages "Nie ma" (2019).

Source: Faculty of Philology, University of Lodz
See: Photo report from the event
Photos: Bartosz Kałużny, Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz