Profesorowie z EkSocu członkami Doradczego Komitetu Naukowego

Financial Ombudsman, Dr Bohdan Pretkiel has appointed members of the Advisory Scientific Committee for the next term. Among the newly appointed members there are dr hab. Iwona Dorota Czechowska, Associate Professor at the University of Lodz and Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Gajdka who work at the University of Lodz Institute of Finance.

The appointment ceremony was accompanied by a scientific conference on "Powództwa grupowe: skuteczny instrument ochrony konsumentów na rynku finansowym? Realia – potrzeby – wyzwania". [Class actions: an effective instrument to protect consumers in the financial market? Realities – needs – challenges].

I would like to thank you for accepting the invitation to participate in the work of the Advisory Scientific Committee at the Financial Ombudsman in the term 2023-2026. We count on your opinions in matters important for the protection of clients of financial market entities. We are extremely pleased that the Committee includes such recognized representatives of the academic community.

– said Ziemowit Bagłajewski, Deputy of the Financial Ombudsman during the ceremony.

Advisory Scientific Committee

Advisory Scientific Committee is an advisory body to the Financial Ombudsman in matters related to the protection of clients of financial market entities. The tasks of the Committee include diagnosing and defining key problems of protecting customers of financial market entities from the perspective of the scientific community and proposing ways to solve them, identifying needs in the field of financial education, as well as presenting opinions, conclusions and proposals for amendments to the law to the Ombudsman in order to improve the protection of customers of financial market entities.

Apart from dr hab. Iwona Czechowska, Associate Professor at the University of Lodz and Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Gajdka, employees of the Institute of Finance of the University of Lodz, the Committee also includes representatives of various fields and scientific disciplines, who represent leading Polish scientific and academic centres. The term of office of the Committee lasts three years.

Source: The Financial Ombudsmen