Prof. Jerzy Jarniewicz Honorowym Obywatelem Miasta Łodzi

On 21 June, during the session of the City Council of Lodz, a decision was made to award the title of Honorary Citizen of the City of Lodz to five more persons. Professor Jerzy Jarniewicz from the Department of British Literature and Culture at the University of Lodz is among the honourees.

[Translate to English:] Prof. Jerzy Jarniewicz (fot. Bartosz Kałużny, CKiPR UŁ)

The Honorary Citizenship of Lodz is a special honour for activities for the benefit of the city in all areas of social life, especially science, culture, economy and politics. The title has been awarded since 1992. So far, 35 people have been awarded, including Zbigniew Boniek, Marek Edelman, Marcin Gortat, Jan Karski, Jan Machulski, John Paul II, Roman Polański, Andrzej Sapkowski and Andrzej Wajda. Last Wednesday, in addition to Prof. Jarniewicz, Piotr Dzięcioł, Jadwiga Moll, Jacek Moll and Marian Turski joined the group of Honorary Citizens of Lodz.

Prof. Dr hab. Jerzy Jarniewicz is a poet, a translator and an academic lecturer. He is the Head of the Department of British Literature and Culture at the University of Lodz. Recently, Prof. Jarniewicz has received many prestigious awards, including Nike Literary Award (October 2022), Julian Tuwim Literary Award (December 2022) and he is the winner of ‘Wiosło Specjalne’ awarded during the Wiosła Kultury 2023 gala.
