Prof. Andrzej Indrzejczak, zdobywca grantu ERC, o swoim projekcie

On 22 December 2022 Professor Andrzej Indrzejczak, Head of the Department of Logic and Methodology of Sciences, University of Lodz, an author, editor and organiser of numerous scientific enterprises delivered a lecture about his project for which he (together with his team) received the ERC Advanced Grant amounting to EUR 1,6 million.

During the lecture, which was delivered at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Lodz and organised by the Lodz branch of the Polish Philosophical Society, he introduced the subject and scope of activities within the research project 'Coming to Terms: Proof Theory Extended to Definite Descriptions and other Terms', which has just received support in the form of the ERC Advanced Grant

At the same time, Professor Indrzejczak encouraged scientists to apply for ERC grants, stressing that despite the fact that the procedure is multi-stage, the scientist is not alone in the process. They receive assistance from both Polish Academy of Sciences staff and the University of Lodz. As he emphasised a big advantage of applying in the competition includes, for example, exhaustive reviews a scientist receives on one's ideas, even if one does not win the funding. 

We encourage you to listen to the entire speech. (the lecture delivered in Polish)

Source, recording and edit: Promotion Centre, University of Lodz