Dzień Nauki Polskiej – Nauka Inspiruje!

19 February 2023 is the 550th anniversary of the birth of Nicolaus Copernicus – an astronomer, mathematician, doctor, lawyer, economist, creator of the heliocentric theory. On the birthday of the outstanding scientist, we celebrate the Polish Science Day, established on 9 January 2020 by the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. It is a time of reminiscing about the rich Polish scientific traditions, discussing the present and looking hopefully into the future.

Dear Scientists, on the Polish Science Day we would like to wish you inspiring research projects, breakthrough discoveries and a lot of success in your quest to discover the secrets of the world. Your efforts in the pursuit of knowledge have significant impact on our future and are extremely important.

Thank you for your hard work and dedication!

We acknowledge your efforts and want you to feel appreciated. The Polish Science Day is an ideal opportunity to start the ‘Science Inspires – Get Inspired by Science!’ campaign. Science inspires is a capacious slogan and we will place great emphasis on filling it in the coming months. The plans include: showcasing inspiring people of science, research and actions whose common feature is their impact on the reality around us.

Texts geared towards talking about processes

You know best that scientific work is a tedious, long-term process, which is full of challenges, sacrifices and failures. That's why we want to talk more about it. What are the difficulties that the scientific work involves? What mechanisms govern it? How do scientists in research centres around the world deal with it? We will pay close attention to the process of cooperation between individual scientists and entire teams. We encourage you to read the first text of this type entitled:

Success in the Implementation of Scientific Discoveries – What Are Its Foundations?

The text starts the discussion on the problem of increasingly difficult to achieve breakthroughs in science using the example of biophysics and medicine. Professor Maria Bryszewska – Head of the Department of General Biophysics at the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection of the University of Lodz was our expert and scientific consultant for the publication.

The impact of science on the surrounding reality

Presenting in social media profiles of the university of Lodz scientists, with the focus on showing the motivation for choosing the profession of a scientist and the impact of research work on the surrounding reality will constitute a large part of the activities under the "Science inspires" campaign.

Each person was asked to give short answers to three questions related to inspirations in their scientific activity. In the coming weeks, we will introduce more researchers, including both young and experienced scientists representing all faculties and disciplines.
Below we present the first scientist.

Dr hab. Dominik Mierzejewski, UL Professor specialises in the rhetoric of Chinese diplomacy, the role of Chinese local authorities in the country's foreign policy, and the political and economic development of contemporary China. 

A black-and-white image of Professor Mierzejewski against the background of two large golden Asian bas-reliefs in the shape of large door knockers

What inspired you to become a scientist?

It was the need to investigate, collect and analyse materials. During my studies in China, in the municipal library in Shanghai, I even had a nickname "A4" (for photocopying). 

What impact does your work have on the surrounding reality? 

By making the research public, a discussion around Asian issues is being created and the clichéd thinking on Asia, mainly China, is being revised. 

How do you understand the term: profession of a scientist? 

In other words, it is somebody who explains, although sometimes it is difficult to put all circulating thoughts together and convey them in an understandable way. 

More information about the Professor's activities can be found, e.g. on the following websites::

  • dr hab. Dominik Mierzejewski, UL Professor is the Head of the Centre for Asian Affairs of the University of Lodz, a permanent publisher of: gazettes, reports, blogs, comments, debates.
    Since its establishment in 2015, the Centre for Asian Affairs of the University of Lodz has been a university think-tank whose main goal is to monitor, analyse and forecast the situation in the countries of East and Southeast Asia.

    Get familiar with the publications and projects of the Centre for Asian Affairs. 
  • "Asian Debates" series

Scientific artickes:

Look for profiles of our scientists in the next few days on Instagram #ludzienaukiUniLodz [UniLodz people of science]

The mission of the University of Lodz is to conduct reliable research and actively disseminate facts and research results so as to wisely educate future generations, be useful to society and courageously respond to the challenges of the modern world. Scientific excellence is always our best compass. Our values include: courage, curiosity, commitment, cooperation and respect.

Edit: Michał Gruda (Communications and PR Centre)