Puchar Polski Judo Kata dla zawodników AZS UŁ

Last Sunday, the Polish Judo Kata Cup was held in Radom. Once again, in the senior Kodokan Goshin Jutsu competition, the pair from the University of Lodz, Leszek Piąstka and Anna Jagiełło, came first.

the athletes on the podium

This is a great summary of a successful sporting year for the athletes from the Academic Sports Club of the University of Lodz and employees of  the University of Lodz Physical Education and Sports Centre. This year athletes from Lodz won the title of Polish champion for the eighth time in a row, they won the Silesian Open Cup, took 6th place at the European Judo Kata Championships in Rijeka and 12th place at the World Championships in Krakow.

The Polish Cup held in Radom was one of the qualifying tournaments for the European Judo Kata Championships, which will be held next year in Slovenia in 2023, and the World Judo Kata Championships organised in Abu Dhabi.

Source and photos: Academic Sports Club of the University of Lodz