Osoby w kryzysie bezdomności – ekspertka UŁ o działaniach w Łodzi

Poverty, homelessness is not a choice. To solve the problem of homelessness, rather than just manage it, there is a need for wise support for those who experience it. Wise, i.e. thoughtful, relevant to specific and current needs. Such support respects the dignity of the supported person, rather than incapacitating them, strengthens their self-determination and involves them in the process of making decisions on the shape of the taken support measures. Such assistance is non-violent. It does not perpetuate the difficult situation – says Dr Małgorzata Kostrzyńska from the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Lodz on the occasion of Dzień Ludzi Bezdomnych [The Homeless Day], which is observed on 14 April.

Long-term support – specific solutions for people experiencing homelessness

The recommendations development and implementation of solutions for people experiencing homelessness is handled in our city by the Council for Solving the Problem of Homelessness at the Mayor of Lodz. The council, established on 13 April 2021, consists of representatives of the University of Lodz, the City of Lodz Office, NGOs and people experiencing homelessness. 

The council members work within four working groups. Each of them focuses on a different area: the Charter on the Rights of People Experiencing Homelessness, housing, children and young adults experiencing homelessness and networking. The council deals with the development of systemic solutions to support the process of exiting homelessness, but also with their implementation 

– says Dr Małgorzata Kostrzyńska.

She also adds: 

In March 2023, work on the Strategy for tackling homelessness in Lodz for 2023-2030 was completed. The strategy proposes specific housing solutions (such as supported housing, the Flat First programme or the Social Rent Agency), the development of streetworking and assistantship, the appointment of an Ombudsman for People Experiencing Homelessness, the creation of a homelessness department within the structures of the Municipal Social Welfare Centre, an Outreach Service Centre or a Hostel for young adults experiencing homelessness 

Cooperation Between Practitioners, Scientists, University of Lodz and People Experiencing Homelessness 

The strategy is a result of several factors. The first one is the many years of experience of working with people experiencing homelessness on a daily basis and often experiencing the barriers that practitioners – professionals have encountered on their way of wisely supporting people experiencing the crisis. The second factor contributing to the strategy is the knowledge and openness of officials, whose sensitivity makes it possible to seek solutions to meet the needs of others. The third factor is the work of academics who conduct long-term engaged research, combining the study of the reality of people experiencing homelessness with efforts to change their life situations. Finally, the most important factor – the voice of people experiencing homelessness – experts on their living situations, coping with the life in crisis on a daily basis. 

This bottom-up perspective, the needs and ideas expressed by those directly affected by a difficult situation or supporting them on a daily basis, form the basis of the developed strategy, situating it firmly in the world of actual problems of specific people as a response to the needs and obstacles they face on their way out of homelessness. The proposals contained in the strategy constitute a coherent, comprehensive idea for a real and lasting exit from homelessness rather than a more or less efficient management of the problem 

– explains the researcher.

Night patrols and volunteer activities

As part of the council's work, night patrols were organised twice a week during the winter period in Lodz. They reached people in the crisis of homelessness present in public spaces. 

Each patrol included two police officers or two city guards and two volunteers from various aid organisations (some patrols also included medics as volunteers). One hundred and fifty-one non-residential places were visited (mostly empty houses), 21 volunteers were involved, as well as city guards and police officers, 35 people were provided with assistance, such as a warm meal, tea, clothes, sleeping bags or transport to a night shelter. However, conversation and the time spent with those in the crisis were also very important

– says Dr M. Kostrzyńska.

Several teams – one objective

The Team for the Charter on the Rights of People Experiencing Homelessness deals with the issue of respecting their rights in Lodz and the need to introduce the Charter. As part of the team's work, people experiencing homelessness as well as specialists from Poland and abroad have been consulted.

On the basis of the consultations, research material is being compiled and recommendations related the need to introduce/not introduce the Charter in Lodz are being elaborated. At the same time, a study on the functioning of the Charter on the Rights of People Experiencing Homelessness in Europe is being carried out. It consists in collecting opinions on how the Charter is actually working in European cities which have adopted it, as well as those which considered adopting it but decided not to do so

– explains Dr M. Kostrzyńska.

The Team for Housing has consulted on housing programmes in other cities. At the same time, work on a coherent housing strategy has been completed. A study was carried out to diagnose the current housing solutions in Lodz and analyse the cost of public expenditure related to interventions for people experiencing homelessness, mainly in public spaces. 

The Team for Hostel has created a comprehensive design for a two-profile hostel for active people wanting to make a difference and for young adults (18 up to 26 years of age). The design assumes a small number of residents to enable individual work with each of them. In addition, the hostel is intended to be co-educational with the possibility of living with a pet. This way the need to part with a partner and choose different facilities for men and women or to part with a beloved pet is avoided.

The Team for Young Adults focuses on the process of empowering young people in foster care institutions to better prepare them for life after leaving the care as part of homelessness prevention.

The Team for Networking was involved in co-organising night patrols during the winter period to support people in public spaces.

Among other things, two mobile baths for people in the crisis have started to operate as part of the cooperation between various organisations belonging to the council. Zupy na Pietrynie [Soup at Piotrkowska Street] meetings are each time accompanied by a social worker from the Municipal Social Welfare Centre. Support has been also provided for the COVID-19 vaccination campaign addressed to the people experiencing homelessness. It was implemented during Zupa na Pietrynie events and a total of 277 people were vaccinated. Workshops raising awareness of homelessness and sensitivity to it, as well as study visits to various institutions providing assistance to people experiencing it which enable mutual learning and networking, are being organised at schools.

Related materials:

Skuteczne wychodzenie z bezdomności [Exiting Homelessness Successfully] (in Polish)
#UniLodz IDUB Grants – research and work with the homeless
Łódź (dla) Bezdomnych [Lodz for the Homeless]
UŁ komentuje: Bezdomność i jej oblicza [University of Lodz Comments: Homelessness and its Faces] (in Polish)
Dr Małgorzata Kostrzyńska laureatką Nagrody im. Artura Rojszczaka [Dr Małgorzata Kostrzyńska Wins the Artur Rojszczak Award] (in Polish)
Dr Małgorzata Kostrzyńska w Radzie przeciwdziałającej bezdomności [Dr Małgorzata Kostrzyńska Has Been Appointed a Member of the Council Against Homelessness] (in Polish)

Source: Dr Małgorzata Kostrzyńska, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Lodz
Edit: Iwona Ptaszek-Zielińska, Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz


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