Nowy grant dla badacza Ceraneum

Dr Piotr Kręzel will manage the team preparing a Polish translation and critical study of "The Diary of General Piščević" by Simeon Piščević (1731–1797).

This is yet another success of the University of Lodz Ceraneum Centre in terms of obtaining funds for scientific research.

Among the 8 projects selected for funding by the Ministry of Education and Science under the 11th edition of the National Programme for the Development of Humanities (module: Universalia 2.2), there is a grant entitled "Między Serbią, Austrią, Polską a Rosją. Pamiętniki Symeona Piščevicia (1731-1797) – przekład na język polski i opracowanie naukowe unikatowego zabytku memuarystyki słowiańskiej z XVIII w.". The project will be implemented by a team led by Dr Piotr Kręzel, a literary scholar and historian from the Department of Slavic Philology, University of Lodz.

The aim of the project is to prepare a Polish translation and critical study of "The Diary of General Piščević" (1731-1797), a Serbian soldier who first served in the Austrian army and then in the Russian army. It is the oldest modern memoiristic work in Serbian literature, as well as a source for the history of Poland in the 18th century that is practically unknown in the Polish humanities.

One of the team members is is also mgr Sanja Miletić from the Department of Slavic Philology at the University of Lodz, who acts as the contractor responsible for translation issues.
