Nagroda „Naukowiec Przyszłości 2023” dla dr Dominiki Kaczorowskiej-Spychalskiej

We are proud to announce that Dr Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska from the Department of Marketing of the Faculty of Management at the University of Lodz, Head of the Centre for Intelligent Technologies, has received the title of "Naukowiec Przyszłości 2023" [Scientist of the Future 2023], an award presented by Centrum Inteligentnego Rozwoju [Smart Development Centre].

The mission of the centre, which is the initiator and main organiser of the award, is "to highlight the best examples of Polish and international scientists, who want to give their projects a chance to exist in economic practice, for the benefit of society and smart development".

Dr Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska is the winner of "Naukowiec Przyszłości 2023" award in recognition of "her outstanding achievements in the dissemination of scientific knowledge for the development of digital technologies, in particular artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), as well as activities that foster popularisation of smart technologies in the business and societal dimensions".

Naukowiec Przyszłości 2023 [Scientist of the Future] certificate


Edit: Faculty of Management, University of Lodz