Nauka inspiruje - mgr Aleksandra Leszczyńska

Issues related to social rehabilitation, protection of human rights and improvement of the life quality of convicts are not often a part of the public awareness. However, it is also an important area of scientific research. The difficult life situation of convicts is an issue that requires special attention on the part of scientists and employees of penitentiary systems. Convicts often find themselves in a situation of social and economic marginalisation, which significantly hinders the process of their social rehabilitation. Many of them also suffer from mental illnesses and addictions, which worsen their life situation. These are important issues for the scientist in the today’s release of the Science Inspires series.

Aleksandra Leszczyńska against the background of the barbed wire at sunset

Mgr Aleksandra Leszczyńska is a doctoral student of the Department of Executive Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz, a specialist in the Ombudsman's Office, a member of the Polish Penitentiary Society and a co-guardian of the Student Society for Criminal Law. She focuses her scientific interests on broadly understood criminal law and human rights.

 What inspired you to become a scientist?

The subject of criminal law and prisons, which I wrote about in my master's thesis, turned out to be extremely interesting. It combines many sciences, such as law, psychology and social rehabilitation. I really like it and several years of work in the court only confirmed that the law and real-life cases can be surprising, scary and, in a way, addictive.

 What impact would you like your work to have on society?

It is always worth talking about human rights, including those of convicts, who are often deprived of their humanity, which is why they are excluded from normal, libertarian society. This should not take place.

How do you understand the term: profession of a scientist?

A scientist is a person who deals with a specific subject in different ways and on different levels. Combining theory with practice is crucial in the field of law. That is what my definition of scientist is, that's what I'd like to be. 


More information about Aleksandra Leszczyńska’s work

Współczesne problemy i perspektywy więziennictwa [Contemporary problems and perspectives of the prison system], A. Nawój – Śleszyński, A. Leszczyńska 

Od kary śmierci do „zakazu” warunkowego zwolnienia [From the death penalty to the "ban" of parole]

Powrotność skazanych do zakładów karnych [Phenomenon of the offenders’ re-entry to the penitentiary facilities], Przegląd Więziennictwa Polskiego, no 96


­­Source: mgr Aleksandra Leszczyńska (Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Lodz)
Edit: Michał Gruda (Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz)


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