Zagraniczni studenci UŁ zakosztowali polskiej wigilii

Almost two hundred University of Lodz students from all over the world sat at Christmas tables during two rounds of festive Christmas dinner organised for them by the university. This is a great comeback to this beautiful tradition, which is associated with the approaching Christmas, after a two-year break caused by the pandemic.

International students during the Christmas dinnerFestive Christmas dinners took place at the Training and Conference Centre of the University of Lodz 

Christmas dishes and customs

There were many traditional Polish Christmas dishes on the tables at the Training and Conference Centre of the University of Lodz. Students from other European countries, as well as Asia, Africa and America, could taste (often for the first time in their lives) dumplings with cabbage and mushroom, herring, carp in jelly and other Christmas specialities. The students also shared the wafer and wished all the best to each other.

The University of Lodz International Relations Office employees familiarised the students with the atmosphere of Polish Christmas and the customs that accompany it. The whole thing ended with a quiz for the participants to check their knowledge about Polish Christmas customs. The guests of this university international Christmas party had the opportunity to compare Polish traditions and customs with those prevailing in their countries. They turned out to be very similar.

Three women with Asian facial features

Currently, at the University of Lodz there are students from 95 countries.

3000 international students of the University of Lodz

In particular, first-year international students are invited to festive Christmas dinners. For many of them, students coming from all over the world, it is the first opportunity to meet in such a large group with their colleagues from other countries, as well as with the representatives of the university authorities.

This year, the UL Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Quality of Education, Prof. Robert Zakrzewski, the UL Rector's Representative for International Exchange Programmes, Prof. Eleonora Bielawska-Batorowicz and the Head of the UL International Relations Office, Liliana Lato took part in the event.

Currently, at the University of Lodz there are almost 3000 students from 95 countries. For years, Christmas meetings have been so popular among them that they are organised in two rounds

Photo report from the festive Christmas dinner at the University of Lodz 

Source: International Relations Office, University of Lodz

Edit: Marcin Kowalczyk, Promotion Centre, University of Lodz

Photos: Bartosz Kałużny, Promotion Centre, University of Lodz