Wewnętrzne granty IDUB #UniLodz 2021 - 5,5 mln złotych na dobrą naukę

Internal #UniLodz IDUB grant competitions support the practice of "high quality research" at the University of Lodz. They are part of the pursuit of research excellence, which, in accordance with the University's Strategy for 2021-2030, along with internationalisation, is one of the priorities of the University of Lodz. The university consistently does its best to strengthen its position in the international academic environment, and the organisation of internal grant competitions is one of the tools for achieving this goal. In 2021, over PLN 5.5 million was transferred to all activities supporting research ideas and awards for outstanding researchers under the #UniLodz IDUB competition.

University of Lodz consistently focuses on practical projects that serve people and at the same time build research excellence. It also appreciates the high quality scientific work performed by its employees. To support the implementation of the best research ideas and awards for researchers achieving the best results in 2021, the university allocated an impressive amount of PLN 5,657,286.75. Since 2020, i.e., since the beginning of the internal #UniLodz IDUB grant competitions, researchers employed at the University of Lodz have already received over PLN 11 million. These are funds from a 2% increased subsidy for universities that in 2019 joined the ministerial competition entitled Excellence Initiative – Research University.


Over PLN 3 million to implement the best ideas of employees and doctoral students

As in 2020, the funds obtained by the University of Lodz as part of the ministerial programme Excellence Initiative – Research University in the vast majority were allocated to support scientific research, but also as bonuses for outstanding researchers. Richer in experience from the first edition, we have decided to continue the competitions that arouse the greatest interest, i.e., "Grants for Young and Experienced Researchers", for which we allocated over PLN 2.47 million. The launch of the first edition of "Doctoral Research Grants" was an extremely valuable initiative. As its part the co-financing amounted to over PLN 730,000.

- sums up prof. Rafał Głowacki, the UL Rector’s Representative for the IDUB competition.

More about the competitions "Grants for Young and Experienced Researchers" and "Doctoral Research Grants".

The latest projects we have written about:

#UniLodz IDUB. Are you sure bakuchiol isn't harmful? 
#UniLodz IDUB. Virtual battlefield and humanitarian law in computer games – an innovative research project at the University of Lodz 
#UniLodz IDUB. Depression and anxiety disorders: how does diabetes affect the lives of children and their families? 
#UniLodz IDUB – research on Japanese art

University of Lodz appreciates the best employees for their high quality research

A significant part of the funds – almost PLN 3.5 million – was allocated to bonuses for the highest scoring publications and patents (PLN 1,538,307), for grants obtained from external funds (PLN 189,000) and for five equivalent Rector's Awards in the competition for outstanding researchers (PLN 50,000). 

As part of the "Bonuses for Publications and Patents" competition, employees of the University of Lodz who conduct research activities and achieve the best results in this area were awarded, regardless of the discipline.

"Bonuses for Grants Obtained from External Funds" were given to research teams of the University of Lodz that acquired projects financed from external sources in any discipline of science most effectively.

The year 2021 is also the "Rector's Award for an Outstanding Researcher” – five researchers from the University of Lodz received financial awards in this competition.

New "Grants for increasing the application potential"

In 2021, a new competition was launched – "Grants for Increasing the Application Potential". Researchers with significant scientific achievements who have applied for external funds over the last four years but have not received funding could apply for the internal grants. PLN 677,334.62 was allocated as part of the competition. Researchers can use these funds to perform preliminary/pilot studies, the results of which will allow them to apply for external funding more efficiently. All those who applied in the competition received grants.

Plans for 2022

Prof. Rafał Głowacki describes plans for 2022:

In early spring, we intend to launch three competitions, including the already known "Doctoral Research Grants" and "Grants for Young Researchers". In addition, we are launching a new competition for all researchers entitled "Interdisciplinary Research Grants", under which we will finance 10 projects involving interdisciplinary research. Also a competition addressed to people representing the field of humanities supporting the translation into a foreign language of the most valuable monographs will be a new thing.

And he adds:

Summing up the year 2021, we have allocated the majority of funds to support scientific research and reward people who stand out in this area. We intend to continue this direction in the coming years, and we will try to adapt subsequent competitions to the needs of our researchers. 

The #UniLodz IDUB budget will also finance a competition under which the best researchers from war-torn Ukraine will be able to obtain a scholarship allowing them to work at the University of Lodz. PLN 1 million will be allocated for this purpose.

The largest international "transfer" in the history of UL – new scientists from IDUB

The Excellence Initiative – Research University of the University of Lodz (#UniLodz IDUB) are internal grant competitions under which the University of Lodz finances the research ideas of its scientists and doctoral students. By supporting them in conducting high quality research, the university implements a strategy of striving for research excellence in all fields and disciplines. The competitions also serve the purpose of internationalisation – developing and strengthening the university's cooperation with international researchers. As part of grants addressed to scientists from outside the university, experienced and young researchers join the team of the University of Lodz. This favours the fusion of experiences and increasing the university's scientific potential, supports networking and employee mobility.   

The grants are financed as part of the subsidy increased by 2% for the universities that joined the Excellence Initiative – Research University (IDUB) competition in 2019. University of Lodz will receive additional funding for research until 2026. Internal grant competitions have been implemented since 2020.

You can read more about science and research and about the implemented #UniLodz IDUB competitions on the university's website.

Source: Science Centre of the University of Lodz
Edit: Promotion Centre of the University of Lodz