Doktoraty wdrożeniowe UŁ: rozpoczęcie VII edycji

Call for the 7th edition of the Industrial Doctoral Programme of the University of Lodz has just begun. Its participants will carry out research and implementation studies with selected socio-economic entities and enterprises. All students who have obtained their master's degree and plan to apply to doctoral schools at our university can apply for the programme. The call will run from 8 May 2023 to 5 June 2023.

We encourage you to take part in an information meeting organised by the Ministry of Education and Science on the Webex platform that will be held on 11 May 2023 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. All those interested in participating in the meeting should send their applications to the address by 8 May 2023. Due to the limit of the number of people who can participate in the meeting on the Webex platform, the number of places is limited, priority is determined on a first-come, first-served basis.

The main goal of the Industrial Doctoral Programme is to prepare a doctoral dissertation that will be applied in the work and operation of a specific company. Doctoral students, under the eye of two supervisors – one from the university and the other one from the company they are working for, will work on solving the problem submitted to the programme by an entrepreneur.

Conditions for joining the programme:

  • admission to the doctoral school of a person who is or will be employed on a full-time basis by a selected entity; the aforementioned entity has to agree to their education at the doctoral school under the programme and provide the doctoral student with an auxiliary supervisor;
  • appointment by the university of an auxiliary supervisor, indicated by the entity employing the doctoral student from among employees of this entity.


Doctoral students, included in the programme, will receive scholarships in the following amount:

  • PLN 3,450 per month – up to the month in which the mid-term evaluation was conducted;
  • PLN 4,450 per month – after the month in which the mid-term evaluation was conducted.


If you are interested in taking part in the programme, please contact:

mgr Agnieszka Wojnarowska 


phone. + 48 42-635-43-85; +48 889-052-646

Please send the filled in application form by 24 May 2023 to the following e-mail address: 

More information can be found on the Industrial Doctoral Programme website.