Wystawa A. Urbańskiego otwarta dla zwiedzających

We are opening our exhibition spaces to visitors! The exhibition of Artur Urbański's works "Koniec miasta" [The end of the city] can be seen at the university’s Wozownia 1/5 Gallery (Franciszkańska 1/5) on Thursdays and Fridays (3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.), and on Saturdays (1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.). The exhibition will run until 26 March 2023.

The university’s Wozownia 1/5 Gallery is located in the garden complex of the Biedermann’s Palace and is one of two places that serve as exhibition and workshop venues for cultural activities of the University of Lodz and its partners. The currently presented photo exhibition "Koniec miasta" is the result of cooperation between the University of Lodz and the Academy of Fine Arts (we wrote about in more detail in another piece of news

Wozownia 1/5 GalleryThe university’s Wozownia 1/5 Gallery (photo: Maciej Andrzejewski)


In his works that make up the "Koniec miasta" exhibition, Artur Urbański offers a kind of photo-essay on the borderline of the sociology of the city. He tells the story of the outskirts of Lodz – about the "spilling" of the metropolis and how our desire to live in Arcadia contributes to its destruction. The photos are accompanied by fragments of interviews conducted among the inhabitants of one of the suburban areas. 

Tomasz Ferenc (Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the Universiyty of Lodz) writes more about the growth of suburbia, hopes related to moving to the outskirts of cities and disappointments that appear over time, as well as about the photographic journeys of Artur Urbański, who documented the suburbs at an exceptional time – between the evening and night, in his text entitled "Arkadia do zniszczenia" [Arcadia to be Destroyed] that accompanies the exhibition.

  • Curators to the exhibition: Marek Domański (Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz) and Ewa Ciechanowska (Lodz Film School)
  • The photo report from the opening of the exhibition can be found on the university's Flickr


Visit Wozownia 1/5 Gallery (Franciszkańska 1/5):

  • on Thursdays and Fridays (3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.)
  • on Saturdays (1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.)

The exhibition will run until 26 March 2023.

Edit: Bartosz Kałużny (Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz)
Photos: Maciej Andrzejewski, Bartosz Kałużny (Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz)

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