EFUF – naukowcy UŁ na europejskiej konferencji o lasach miejskich

It is the 25th European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF). This year it will be held on 24-26 May 2023 at the Congress Center of the University of Agriculture in Krakow. This renowned English-language conference will attract specialists from all over the world to the capital of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship. The speakers will also include researchers from the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz.

The European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF) is a unique meeting place for practitioners, managers, educators and scientists who are active in urban forestry, urban greening and green infrastructure. Since 1998, the EFUF has been providing a space for presenting new developments, exchanging experiences and getting to know examples of good practices on planning, design and management of urban forests (from woodland to urban parks and street trees).

The speakers will also include researchers from the Social-Ecological Systems Analysis Lab at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz: 

Urban greening is receiving more and more attention as more and more is being said about the quality of life, adaptation to climate change and even public health. It's great that such an important event as the European Forum on Urban Forestry takes place in Poland. Thanks to it, we will have the opportunity to listen to outstanding authorities in this field, as well as many other researchers and practitioners who will come from all over the world, to share their experiences. Here "urban forests" are understood broadly – as all areas covered with trees and located in cities. This refers to the American meaning of the slogan and goes far beyond our "urban forests"

– says Prof. Jakub Kronenberg.

He also adds:

During the conference, we will talk about what indicators to use so that trees in cities actually translate into the quality of life of their residents, how to implement large-scale tree planting programmes in cities, how to ensure fair access to green areas for all residents ... There will certainly be plenty of inspiring examples showing that what sometimes seems not feasible to us is possible, such as the project of planting 50 million trees in Beijing which have been implemented successfully. This year's forum is organised in partnership with the Sino-European project CLEARING HOUSE, in which a team from the University of Lodz also participates.

A portrait photo of Prof. Jakub Kronenberg

Urban forests as nature-based solutions

A comprehensive approach to the raised issues is the conference hallmark. Since the overall theme is is: Urban Forests as Nature-based Solutions, the conference participants will receive a full package of the latest knowledge in the field of urban forestry. From investment financing, through ways of social commitment or institutional partnership, to innovations in management. Speeches, discussion panels and workshop sessions will cover three topics:

  • Urban Forests and Urban Greening Plans,
  • Urban Forests, Urban Trees and Water ,
  • Biotic Management aspects in Urban Forestry.

The EFUF2023 programme, apart from the main speeches, thematic paths, presentations and networking sessions, also includes three study visits. A study visit to Zakrzówek which has been designated by the city for the purposes of recreation and which is considered a flagship example of a post-mining area where natural succession has occurred. A visit to the SYMBIOSIS Ecological Education Centre located in the “Wolski Forest”. The central theme of the visit will be to showcase the best practice and challenges of preserving cultural and natural heritage in the city. During a visit to the “Polish Aviators’ Park”, the participants of the conference will learn about comprehensive activities to adapt the city to climate change and protect biodiversity.

The event is organised by the Sendzimir Foundation, in cooperation with the Kraków Municipal Greenspace Authority and the European Forest Institute.

Registration is open until 5 May 2023.

Source: Sendzimir Foundation; Prof. Jakub Kronenberg, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz

Edit: Communications and PR Centre, photos.: Maciej Andrzejewski, Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz