Marketingowa strategia rozwoju EC1 – projekt studentów MBA

Students of the 25th edition of the Polish American MBA Programme are developing a marketing strategy for the development of the EC1 Łódź brand as part of the Group Field Project classes. The workshop at EC1 was held on 3 June.

A poster of the Group Field project for EC1 Łódź

As part of the continuation of cooperation between the University of Lodz and the EC1 Science and Technology Centre, students of the Polish American MBA programme (25th edition of the programme) implemented at the Faculty of Management are taking part in a practical project. Under the tutelage of mgr Michał Dziekoński – a trainer, an expert and a consultant in the field of strategy and marketing, who runs classes as part of MBA studies, and the supervision of EC1 representatives: Michał Kędzierski and Igor Owczarek, the students will try to develop the "EC1 Marketing Development Strategy". The participants of the MBA programme will make use of the acquired knowledge and experience to design the institution's identity, structure and hierarchy of communication channels.

7 project teams started working on the project on June 3 during the workshop organised at the EC1 Science and Technology Centre. The final of the project, i.e. the presentation of solutions and recommendations of the students, will take place at the Faculty of Management on 24 June 2023 in the presence of a jury appointed specially for this purpose.

Let's keep our fingers crossed, because there are really interesting prizes for the winners!


More information about the PolishAmerican MBA Programme (in Polish)

Edit: Business Development Centre, Faculty of Management, University of Lodz